Lumber Mills Shutting Down Due To Lower Prices

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Here’s yet another example of a lumber mill reducing its output because of pricing. In this episode, we'll discuss updates with the Canadian lumber mill, Canfor and their steps to reduce production in the future.

…Here's another example of where a lumber mill is reducing its output because of the pricing Canfor which is one of the largest Canadian mills. is reducing their production called curtailments because of the fact that lumber. Pricing going out the door. Has dropped so much in in some cases they can't. Produce the lumber. profitably for the price that what the market is willing to pay So they're starting to furlough Employees are starting to not purchase. raw logging materials. And they're curtailing their mill up Put so what are your thoughts on a curtailment Is it effecting your market effecting your prices or making it more difficult for you to get materials for your build packages?

Lumber Mills Shutting Down Due To Lower Prices
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