Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer & BioNTech

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In this episode, we'll discuss a recent infringement lawsuit brought on by Moderna against Pfizer and BioNTech.

…The Pfizer company's been in the news quite a bit. Over the last few years because of the Corona vaccine and all the healthcare work they've done. But they've made the news for a less than desirable reason this week because Moderna has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer. Because they say that they infringed on their patent for the vaccines…There've been three or four companies that have worked on these vaccines. BioEnTech. But during a Pfizer a few. And they all kind of created similar vaccines at the same time. And it looks like now there's a fight over who is really kind of get the credit for. That vaccine. One of the things that…has come from this is…The process of creating This is a very high research and development environment. And anytime you have research and development. And scientists. there's a huge expense. That goes into. Creating any technology but much less healthcare technology or medicinal technology. That's why. Drugs are so expensive Look at all the ads you see on TV They're all have to do with medicines and drugs and vaccines. The reason why is because you have to solve a lot of them. To make up for all the research and development for. Creating that medicine, you also have to cover the cost of the medicines you created that didn't work. Right For every one breakthrough drug like the. This Mr N a vaccine, there might be five or six that really don't turn into anything You still spent the money on those. So you have to recoup that from the ones that are winners. Well…Madonna wants to recoup a little bit more They're saying that Pfizer infringed on their patent They want some of that money. And they filed the lawsuit. Where this lawsuit goes it's unknown. But it's going to be something to keep an eye on. Because it may affect future research and development. And also financial liability litigation between the different drug companies.

Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer & BioNTech
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