Is Title Washing Illegal?

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There are many ways to get a new title or a clean title for a vehicle, but title washing is not the way to do it. In this episode, we'll explain why and the legal repercussions of title washing.

here's another example of a title scam involving title washing on salvage title. so if you have a vehicle with a salvage title it's supposed to remain with that vehicle history so that future buyers are are made aware that this event happened. and you'll see the link pop up here on the screen in a minute and if you click on the bottom of the video they'll be a link to the article directly if you want to read more but this couple was processing card titles by washing salvage title brands off of titles or trying to a certificate of destruction brands of titles and they were charged by theft by deception. they sold many many cars under title washing scheme. and the victims in this case purchased a two thousand sixteen Nissan maxima for about twenty six thousand dollars. they sold out of the driveway the people told them that they had a baby in the car was too small the victims asked if the maxima had ever been damaged and told him that maybe cracked windshield that's it. what happened is they found later that the title history was a salvage. the vehicle had been an accident it declared a total loss. right so what happened is the victims now had a car that they have a salvage history it was damaged it wasn't safe have lower value. and the investigators discovered a pattern that they selling vehicles and that they were washing the titles. so be aware that any vehicle that has a salvage history or any other type of damage history supposed to remain with that title. you can't remove it from the title even attempting to remove it from the title is a crime in most states it's actually a federal crime generally. so be aware that you want to do a good title history if you have a vehicle with a salvage brand on it you're not supposed to remove that brand you're not supposed to try to change it and any of these you know for a fee services that promise to remove the title brands it's probably not legitimate. and you can either you know taking money from me that you'll never get a title for or even if it does become successful it could be an improper processing of title washing they can get you with anybody else trouble.

Is Title Washing Illegal?
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