Is Catalytic Converter Theft A Real Risk?

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How big of a risk is catalytic converter theft? Bigger than we expected. In this episode, we'll discuss the risk of catalytic converter theft and how to protect your vehicle from becoming a victim.

How big is the problem of theft of…catalytic converters Well, here's an article that shows that one insurance company just State Farm by itself has paid out more than $50 million. On. Catalytic converters. It's a huge amount. So as this becomes more ubiquitous you may find that insurance rates goes up. Take a look at what options you have for protecting your catalytic converter because of course you have a deductible. On losses on comprehensive losses of. vehicle. So even if your insurance company kicks in, you know if the replacement the cat costs you 12 or $1,300, but you have a 500 deductible that's 500 out of pocket If you have a thousand dollar deductible, you might have more deductible than what the insurance company pays and that might not be worth doing because your rates are going to go up. So make sure you know what your coverages are, make sure you know what options you have to protect. You're catalytic converter. And what steps you can take It's even got to be stolen in the first place Like where do you want to park? What you can do to make it less of a target? And what devices you can install on your vehicle. To keep you from having that Important part of your car and expensive part stolen

Is Catalytic Converter Theft A Real Risk?
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