Is 2FA MFA Worth It? Exploring the Security Benefits

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Remember we did a video the other day about how passwords can be easily cracked. They, um, tested hacking 80 million passwords in about a minute. You might say, "Well, I have two-factor authentication." Well, that's great, but that's also not enough to protect data, especially in the cloud. Ticketmaster, one of the largest companies, and also Cander Bank have suffered data leaks because their two-factor authentication was easily breached. So if they can hack into a bank and Ticketmaster, your two-factor authentication might be more easily breached. Now, you're not as big of a target, but it's just a matter of time. If these hackers are out there trying to hack thousands and thousands of people every day, at some point, your video will be back in 8 seconds.

In the meantime, remember you have access to live one-on-one consultation with the undivided attention of a licensed, certified expert in this subject and many others. We want to listen to your story, hear your questions, and give you expert advisement on your options. We want to tell you what we know about your situation and what options you have.

Now, back to your video. That wheel is going to come around to you, and you might be a victim. What do you do about it? Change your passwords regularly and change your two-factor authentication regularly. I know it's a pain in the neck because you remembered yours, it's in Google, it's in your login, but it'll keep you from having a threat event that takes your money, locks up your bank account, changes your insurance, and does all kinds of nasty stuff. Change it regularly. Also, check your accounts to make sure that if there are activities happening you don't know about, you know about them. Check your bank account every day or two, check your insurance every week or so, and make sure everything's the way it's supposed to be. Catching it early sometimes means the damages can be either reversed or be less than they would have been otherwise.

Thank you for watching. Remember, you can access live one-on-one personal consultations with a licensed private investigator, a licensed commercial insurance broker, a licensed certified real estate title examiner, and also a certified civil court mediator. So, if you have a need to talk to an expert in any of these fields, or even a licensed building general contractor, you can click the link below at and arrange a live one-on-one undivided attention with a licensed expert where you can ask any questions, get information about your situation, and we'd be glad to help.

Is 2FA MFA Worth It? Exploring the Security Benefits
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