Inside the Breach: Unraveling Government System Hacks

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  • In this episode, we delve into the often overlooked vulnerability of government agencies to cyber attacks, particularly through third-party connections.
Case Study: Cyber Attack on a New York County
  • A county in New York experienced a crippling cyber attack targeting its real estate records at the clerk's office.
  • The attack involved file deletion and holding records hostage, disrupting vital operations.
  • Surprisingly, the source of the attack was traced back to a third-party records management vendor.
The Third-Party Vulnerability:
  • Many cyber attacks on government agencies and private sector companies originate from vulnerabilities in their interconnected systems.
  • Government agencies and businesses alike maintain numerous connections to vendors, CRM providers like Salesforce, and other entities for data exchange.
  • Despite robust internal security measures, a single vulnerability in a third party's system can provide hackers with a gateway into the primary system.
Importance of Third-Party Protection:
  • Third-party protection is paramount, whether through cyber insurance, specialized defense systems, or stringent vetting of vendors.
  • Trusting and granting access to third parties on a daily basis increases the risk of indirect vulnerabilities.
  • The New York County Clerk's Office serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of understanding and securing third-party connections.
  • By implementing best practices and robust protective measures, government agencies and businesses can fortify themselves against cyber threats originating from third-party vulnerabilities.
 If you have questions or want to delve deeper into today's topics, visit at for additional resources. Until next time, stay insured and stay informed!
Inside the Breach: Unraveling Government System Hacks
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