How To Stop Real Estate Escrow Fraud: Protecting Yourself from Scam Payments

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Episode Show Notes / Description:
  • Warning about escrow fraud and verifying your escrow payments.
  • Story of a Silicon Valley executive losing $400,000 to a scammer during a home purchase.
  • Scammers hack into the email systems of real estate agents, home inspectors, mortgage companies, and title companies.
  • They monitor transactions over the 30 to 45-day home-buying process.
  • At the final stage, scammers send a fake email with fraudulent wire transfer instructions.
  • The email appears legitimate, using real names, logos, and contact details from the ongoing transaction.
  • The key difference is the banking information, sending your money to scammers overseas.
  • Victims don’t realize they’ve been scammed until the real title company requests the payment.
How to Avoid Escrow Fraud:
  • Solution: First, send a small amount ($10, $100, or $1,000) as a test.
  • Verify with the title company in person that they received the test amount.
  • Once confirmed, send the full payment using the same wiring information.
  • Always get wire transfer instructions in person, not by email or phone.
  • Even after receiving instructions in person, do a test transfer before sending large amounts.
Additional Tips:
  • Real estate professionals should provide buyers with a checklist on how to protect themselves from escrow fraud.
  • Encourage real estate agents, buyers, and sellers to adopt these preventative measures.
More Resources:
  • Visit for detailed instructions and free resources.
  • Share this link with anyone in the real estate industry to help them prevent losses from escrow fraud.
Need Personalized Help?
  • Access live one-on-one consultations with experts, including licensed private investigators, commercial insurance brokers, real estate title examiners, civil court mediators, and building contractors.
  • Get advice on your situation by visiting for expert consultations.
How To Stop Real Estate Escrow Fraud: Protecting Yourself from Scam Payments
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