How To Perform An Asset Search

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In this episode, we'll discuss how to perform an asset search on a person, where to look for assets, and how to do this all on your own from the comfort of your home. For more information, visit us at

…This is Dave at active Intel investigations. The most common type of investigation requested. Is an asset search. So depending upon your need for an asset search there's many parts of it If not all of it, you can do yourself. if you have the time and you want to do the research yourself for an asset search you don't need to pay or hire a private investigator to do the search. There are five different areas of assets searching There are hard assets like vehicles. Eric. vessels that kind of thing. There's real estate assets. There's intangible assets such as, domain names or intellectual property trademarks there's business assets And then there's cash. Or cash equivalent and bank accounts. So doing each one of those searches is something you can do on your own. Each one is a separate type of search, but there's no parts of it that you can't do yourself. So if you look on our website active you'll see, an option where if you want to have us do it we're glad to do it but also. Oh, that you can do each one of these steps of the investigation on your own, maybe with some assistance from us to get you some basic information about the customer, but be aware that no matter what type of asset search you want to do, all of the steps are something that a private individual can do for yourself As long as you're doing it for your own use, you can't resell asset searches to the public unless you're a licensed investigator, but if you're doing a search for purpose only for your own use, maybe it's a debtor that you have a lawsuit against. maybe it's a relative that owes you money. Those are the kinds of things you can do yourself without having to pay. hundreds or thousands of dollars to an investigator to do an asset search and get exactly the same result.

How To Perform An Asset Search
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