How To Negotiate Remote Work

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We’ve been seeing this trend in a lot of our operations where remote work or work from home is starting to decline as an accepted job description for many companies as the risk of the pandemic starts to wane. As companies are needing more productivity, many are going back to requiring existing employees to be in the office, and also new employees not being able to apply for remote or work-from-home positions. The percentage of jobs being offered that are remote is dropping dramatically. This time a year ago, 30-50% of job offerings on many of the job boards such as LinkedIn or Indeed were remote. Now that number is down to 10-20%. Why is this?

…We've been seeing this trend in a lot of our operations where remote work or work from home is starting to decline as an accepted job description for many companies as the risk of the pandemic start to wane And as companies are needing more productivity, A lot of companies are going back to requiring existing employees be in the office and also new employees not being able to apply for a remote or work from home job. The percentage of jobs being offered. that are worked from home or that are remote, is dropping dramatically. Even a year year and a half ago 30 40 50% of job offerings on many of the job boards such as LinkedIn or indeed. We're work from home or remote. Now that number is down to 10 or 15 or sometimes 20% depending on the platform. Why is this well? Companies recognize that they want to have more oversight and accountability for employees. whether that's a good thing or a bad thing It's just a reality of company management. Sometimes it's because the manager. Doesn't feel like their role is required If nobody's in the office why do you need a manager to manage people at home? Whatever the reason companies are shifting. Their job requirements to have more in office or in work. Job descriptions now here's the thing. Even no. Work from home is going away. The number of people in offices. is still going to be less Why is that? Well there's at the same time this is happening. More layoffs Some of these lamps are quiet, meaning that they're not really directly laying off existing customer just seeing employees. They are just not back-filling hiring for people that have lost their jobs or people that have worked from home and decide they don't want to come back to work If it's in the office, they just don't refill that job. Right. So offices are still empty and may many large cities New York. Seattle Portland, Dallas, but…it's not because of the fact people are working from home it's because companies are downsizing their footprint. In fact we see this. we see this with the recent Twitter downsizing after Elon Musk bought the company. You know he is firing half the people there. Companies are realizing their employee footprint might be overkill They might not need that much expense. And whether that's true or not they're going to find out through that. you know they're going to try to make a go with it. With. Smaller. employee base. So if you're job hunting, keep that in mind You may not find as much work from home. If you're an employer you may find that there are fewer competitive options for an employee. That…there if you're looking out of the jobs they may not be finding work from home So this may shift the balance of employee employer. Relationships. If you want to take advantage of it. As an employee maybe you start. With work in the office. Be productive Show your value. And at some point. Offered to say look. If you let me work from home one day a week. On a trial basis. After 30 days you can see if my productivity stays the same or goes up. And then we'll make a decision from there. Don't necessarily. Make it a. All or nothing ransom. Demand. You can tell your employer you want to try it out and for them to try it out and see if it works. Employers want to keep good staff They don't want to get rid of people If you're a valuable employee they want to keep you. But on the other hand, they do need that productivity So you can walk a fine line with that balance and maybe diplomatically offer something If you're a good employee if you can prove productivity. And maybe work yourself back into some work from home or remote work might be a strategy as an employee.

How To Negotiate Remote Work
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