How to Handle Storage Liens: Navigating Vehicle Titles and Claims

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Understanding Storage Liens and Vehicle Abandonment:
  • Filing for a storage lien or claiming storage abandonment on a vehicle requires careful consideration of legal regulations.
  • In most states, only licensed automotive facilities can file for storage liens or collect storage fees on vehicles with proper authorization.
  • Towing companies are an exception, provided they are licensed and have verification of the tow's legitimacy, either through a police request or a signed contract from the property owner.
  • However, as a private individual, randomly claiming storage fees or declaring a vehicle abandoned without proper authority is not permitted.
  • Abandoned vehicles do not equate to ownership rights; they must be surrendered to the state for auctioning off.
The Proper Route for Vehicle Ownership:
  • If you're seeking to acquire a title for a vehicle, the recommended approach is not to claim abandonment or file a storage lien unless you operate a licensed automotive facility.
  • The most reliable method is obtaining a court order title by filing a petition with the court to declare you as the owner.
  • A court order title supersedes DMV rules, ensuring legitimacy and avoiding potential rejection by the DMV.
The Risks of Illegitimate Claims:
  • Attempting to acquire a vehicle through questionable means, such as falsifying paperwork for abandonment or mechanic's liens, can lead to complications.
  • DMV audits can uncover invalid paperwork, leading to revoked titles even after they've been issued.
Seeking Legitimate Ownership:
  • For a secure and legitimate process of vehicle ownership, court order titles are the recommended route.
  • Visit our website,, for more detailed information and guidance on navigating vehicle ownership procedures.
How to Handle Storage Liens: Navigating Vehicle Titles and Claims
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