How To Get A FREE VIN Check

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Are you looking to run a VIN check on a vehicle? Many websites will charge you a fee, but this national database can offer you up to five free VIN checks per day.

so how can you get a free VIN history check on a vehicle with a little known fact that in the air of for know car fax and and the NMVTIS and other paid VIN search providers that there's a way you can do a free VIN search on a vehicle that will get you most of the same information. this is done through the national insurance crime bureau NICB. and they have a process called vin check where it's a free service you can enter number put in the proper seventeen digit formatted vehicle identification number and you can only do five searches in the twenty four hour period so it's not designed to be used by companies are high volume users but I will tell you if the vehicles reported stolen or been reported as a salvage. there may be some limitations if it's reported it recently a stolen might not be in their system. if the salvage was done through somebody who's not a participating NICB member. like a smaller insurance company or junk yard it might not be in there but at least it's a good start to make sure that if a vehicle is being considered for purchase you're not buying something that has any obvious problems. so this is a good trick it's free you know most of the other vin search sources you know have a fee of five or ten or twenty dollars that may or may not be accurate may may not be useful. this is a way to get a free VIN search for most of the information you're looking for without having to jump through a bunch of hoops. you'll see a link to this on our website at car titles dot com if you want more detailed information like prior ownership history of titles there's other searches that can be done. but for a basic quick and easy search without having to pay a lot of money this is a good way to start your vehicle investigative process.

How To Get A FREE VIN Check
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