How To Find The Owner Of A PO Box

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Oftentimes, a debtor or defendant will try to hide their physical location behind a PO box address. In this episode, we'll discuss four ways to find out the owner of a PO box.

in this video we're gonna talk about how to get the ownership information or contact information for a person or company that is using a PO box or post office box now these are three methods that are very frequently use for investigations or skip tracing if you have questions or comments about this put him in the section below in addition if you have additional questions about doing is searching for a person's location let us know we'll make that an additional video in the future so the reason for possibly needing the identity or the location of a party using a PO boxes many times a fraudster or defendants or debtor can hide behind using a PO box you don't know their actual physical location you don't know whether living the most important thing you need to know for things like service of process or maybe sending certified letters is where the person puts their head down at night where they sleep at night obviously you don't sleep in a PO box now make sure when you're using any of these methods that you were using them legally get good legal advice about when you can and can't do some of these things not every method could be used in every case of privacy laws there's Gramm leach Bliley act laws there's all kind of laws and even your state that may apply to this so make sure you get good legal advice of an attorney before you start taking action about discovering private information on individual or corporation but here are three methods that can be used for skip tracing or background checks number one is you can file this form with the postmaster in the jurisdiction where the post office is being held this is a request for box holder information and you'll put the box holder name and address here you put the capacity of the requester meaning are you a process server attorney or you're just a party representing yourself and you're gonna put the statute or regulation which applies in this case also the name of other parties that are involved with the conflict the court in which the case has heard or will be heard again this is something where it's pre litigation request is authorized by this form if you do have a docket you put in this form and also the capacity of the individual are they a defendant in the case of a witness in the case are they an asset holder are there trustee for information records or assets be aware that when you file a form like this it tells you in big letters you can't submit false information to get private details from the postmaster could be a crime to make sure that you're doing it correctly because then you put your signature on your name and address at the bottom yeah this is submitted directly to the postmaster in the jurisdiction where the post office box is being held option number two in this is used very frequently gotta make sure you do it legally and you're not breaking any laws by using this method
if you will mail to the post office box a tracking device G. P. S. your tag tile something that is a tracking device normally the person with the post office box will bring their mail home bring it to where they maybe have an office if you time the mailing so that he gets there when they're more likely to go home maybe on a Friday so they're gonna go on the weekend or maybe get there on a Saturday they're probably not going to go to their office on a Saturday that may be more likely to get that information on the other hand you may decide you want to find out where their office is located gonna mail during the week sometimes males actually forwarded from a post office or even a private mailbox if somebody has a UPS store mailbox or some other private mailbox many times the subject will not physically go to the mailbox they'll forward that mail on a regular basis so you can follow that your tag wherever it goes get make sure you're not breaking any laws any privacy laws when you do this the location of the person is most likely going to be their residents now we've even had clients that want to make sure that the discovery of that GPS device wasn't made prematurely so if you open an envelope and you see their tag you might throw away if you maybe go to the post office and open all your at the post office counter you're not gonna bring your air tag home so the put it inside of some other item that's not easily discovered and that way the air tag or the GPS device or whatever it is will most likely make it to the final destination that you want to discover the address of the house the residence the office so that's option number two option number three and this is used many times is to send a warranty card so if a person you know has some type of product certain vehicle Sir in piece of equipment maybe something that's not even directly owned yeah he sent a warranty card will return that warranty card with their address maybe it's a delivery of an item that needs physical delivery like a truck and they have to fill in the address where they want that war to be activated or the delivery address this requires action from the defendant from the subject they have to fill up the car so you have to structure the wording of that very carefully you don't want to make false statements in order to get private information that could be consider pre texting but if you have a product that you're shipping or if you have a product that has a warranty a new structure the wording to where you can put right in the address PO box is not accepted how may times have you seen that many times it'll say PO box is not accepted you put that on your return form make sure has posted John it so that way there's no reason for them not to send it make sure there's an incentive it extend your warranty to give you more product we'll send you an accessory whatever the case might be sometimes these incentives are what gets the subject debtor or defendant to send back that card with the address that's not a post office box
the last method is to use an electronic contact to pain the location of the party so if you send a rebate form if you send a Q. R. code you sent something on a printed document to the PO box where they have to scan it enter it maybe even go to a website make up your own website you can register a domain name for ten dollars posted for ten dollars a month and you put a website that has some reason to go there you sent out a postcard that says Hey go to this website X. Y. Z. dot com to get more information about X. whatever you think that subject is going to be interested in you probably know more about that subject than anybody else does so maybe if they're into a certain hobby there into a certain social events you're gonna put a website where they get information about that when I go to the website you monitor the server logs the server traffic on that website to find out the geo location of the I. P. address where they visited from again it requires a physical response and action from that debtor but if you word it the mailing correctly given an incentive to do it doesn't cost any money then have to fill anything out the action for this is actually easier than returning a form because I'm not the right anything down they can just go to the computer go to a website scan the QR code and it gives you the geo location of that person now they go if they're on their phone and they're in the car I can help you but you can you can a word the structure of that message to make it more likely that they're going to do it from home PC maybe you even make the website almost unreadable from a phone PC or mobile device phone browser mobile device you make it so that the pictures are too large or it's not formatted correctly on a mobile device so they have to go to the home PC to see what it is you're talking about again it's all about the wording in the structure can't say enough make sure it's legal make sure your purposes are legal if sure not breaking any rules laws if you're into litigation you might also want to check with your turning to make sure you're not contacting a represented party improperly but these are all methods that can be used based on your scenario to find out the physical location of a person that's hiding behind a P. O. box get if you have questions or other details but many comments way into those in the future videos

How To Find The Owner Of A PO Box
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