How To File For An Abandoned Vehicle

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Abandoned vehicles are a common problem for many communities. In this episode, we'll walk through the steps of filing for an abandoned vehicle using Franklin County, Ohio as an example. We'll start with how the process works, what it means to be abandoned, and why this is such a difficult process to navigate. We'll then go over how to file for an abandoned vehicle and what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

In this video we're going to talk about the unclaimed vehicle titling process . This is the most common question that we get We get . You know seven or eight sometimes 900 calls a day . Usually 20% of them . A hundred 150 people are asking how to claim a vehicle to get ownership of it And we're going to look at a specific example . From Franklin county in Ohio . And this is specific to that jurisdiction However , The process is almost always the same no matter where you are And you can look at other videos that will give you instructions for your jurisdiction , but this gives you a rough idea So that way you'll know what you're getting into and is it even worth doing so this is their process . It gives you some definitions of what you know the value is authorized entity . Motor vehicle salvage dealer that kind of thing And . Here's what the process is It's a it's a allow many steps Is it step step step step . Well it goes up to at least step five , right ? Depending upon here's this one because up to step seven . So step one , this is going to be always the same for almost every single scenario . First you have to verify the vehicle value is within the guidelines You can't do this for high end expensive vehicles . If the value is less than 3,500 in this jurisdiction . That will work There's other options available for higher . Value vehicles and you can check out our website for that . Then you have . To file Step two . A BMV form 1173 That's what it's called in Ohio . In other states it's called something else It's a form requesting lien holder and owner's last known address . Very important . If you notice that's step two in reality in most areas that's really step one . You want to file that form ? With the DMV . That puts them on notice . That you're intending to claim a vehicle and requesting the information they have on file about that vehicle Who's the owner Who's the lien holder . Here's why . At some point you will see down farther on the steps you're going to need to send out official notices to those . Parties . Owner and lienholder If . You do not have the results back from . The BMV or DMV in your state . With their printout of who the owner is . They're going to consider that your notices are invalid . Because you didn't use their official records You have to request the official records first . Get a printout from the title . Division who is the owner of that vehicle Who is the lien holder of that vehicle ? Once you get that , then you send the notices out to the addresses and names on that printout . If you use an address that let's say was in the glove compartment or . on your repair order or that what you think the owner is or who brought the car in . It's not going to work also . In most states that notice that you file . Intending to claim an unclaimed vehicle Also freezes the title . So the nobody can do any funny business They can't put liens on it They can't transfer it They can't , you know file some blocks on it . You're freezing the title So you're protected . As a claimant of that vehicle So that's important to do that first before you try anything else . It's important because you may have read a lot of things online saying well send a certified letter to the owner and if they don't answer you get the car for free It doesn't work that way There's more to it . And if you send that notice out first before you I get the information from the DMV They're going to look at the dates on your certified mail And when you got the information , if you did it too soon , Too bad It's not going to be valid . The next step is mail a certified notice return receipt requested to the owner and lienholders using information Provide . by the BMV . You can't make up your own address . The reason they say that is because in the past , what people used to do is send out notices to some bogus address , knowing it's not going to get returned that way they get a free car . So you have to use their information . And that notice has to have a certain format It tells you right here , it must include where the vehicles located the value . your intention to take claim and you have to wait 15 days before you proceed . Some states you have to wait 30 days a few states You have to wait 60 days , whatever the number of days is in the statutes . Wait that number of days before you do anything else , if you start the next process , you'll find the whole thing is void and invalid . Step four . Here's what you do Unclaimed motor vehicle affidavit form . That's basically your application for title . You're going to need to sign an affidavit , declaring the circumstances about how you got the vehicle If you're a repair shop somebody brought it in for work . If you're a towing shop I towed it in with a valid tow . If it's a storage claim , it's a valid storage agreement and you're going to have to provide that information . And if you see here it says ensure you include the following evidence . Copy of the repair agreement or storage contract copy of the valuation from , you know print out from a book value , the BMV search results Remember that first form 1149 And you have to include that title application signed certified mail documentation to support the estimated cost of repairs If you have repairs that you're claiming . You have to show why that's true and affidavit . testing that you notified law enforcement It says if applicable . If the owner of the vehicle is different from the person who brought it to your facility or dropped it off , you have to notify law enforcement in Ohio . And that may be subject to that documentation to support storage fees . And of course if there's any fees you have to pay those for title . Step five apply for the title Visit a clerk of court or title office ensure you present all evidence listed in step four . If you don't include all the evidence are going to reject it . So this one is for repair garage or place of storage . There's also a similar process for a towing service Has a few more steps Authorize salvage . Facility And then it has a copy of the forms that you need . Why is this important ? The reason why is because unclaimed vehicles abandoned vehicles if you want to call it that . cars not paid for to repair shop are not automatically finders keepers . The owner of the vehicle and the lien holder for that matter are protected from unscrupulous repair shops or people just claiming a vehicle saying oh I found this vehicle , snatch it up And I own it . This ensures that protects you as well . That you don't have a vehicle that you leave somewhere . For somebody to keep an eye on for a month or two if you're on vacation or if you're in the military or if you just don't have room for it in your house and you leave it somewhere that you come back a few months later and find out your car's gone . Somebody sold it . Possession is not the same as ownership . Matter of fact , a lot of the people that call us up . One of the things I mentioned I have the keys and I have possession That means nothing . Now you have to have possession . In order to do this but by itself that's not enough . Just whoever is holding the car It doesn't mean you're the owner of the car . So you have to follow this process and they're going to check it out . Here's the other thing to keep in mind . This process . This unclaimed vehicle process . Is very frequently . Abused by people who want to basically get a free car . So it's going to be audited The bureau of motor vehicles or the department of motor vehicles whoever it is the issue of titles in your state , when they get one of these packages in they're going to scrutinize it with a fine tooth comb They're going to look to see is this for real or somebody trying to run a scam ? And the reason we know that is at any given time . There are companies on the internet . That are out there selling title services to people saying look , we'll get you a title for any car you want Just give us the VIN number , give us a copy of your license We'll put a title in your name and what they do behind the scenes as a fake mechanics lien process or a fake storage lien process And they forged signatures and they fake you know repair bills that says , look . Somebody left their car abandoned and we , we want to own it and they transfer it to you . The problem is it's illegal . So at any given time there's going to be a company that does this , but they never last they're only around for six or eight months before they get shut down or the people get arrested Or even if you look them up a lot of these . that are running these , these , these organizations already have criminal records for stolen cars or auto theft . So it's a very specific process And because of the fact that the government agencies see it as . A . Procedure that's often used for fraud They're going to audit it So make sure your I's are dotted T's are crossed Make sure you're not using it for any illegal . Processes , because if you are , you may find that it gets rejected You may find that somebody comes knocking on your door with a badge . You may also find that even if you get a title it gets revoked later And you can see in the towing one there's additional steps If the vehicle goes on claim for 30 days after the first notice you have to send a second notice . So for a towing or storage you have to send two notices . So there's a lot of details that are involved and I can tell you from experience . Once the package is all put together at the end . Right . And sure you present all evidence listed as it says here . They're going to look at all those they're going to scrutinize the dates or any dates out of order Did you wait the 30 days ? did you file the right notices Did you file the original request ? So expect you're going to have . Kickback . In fact there are some states that we know from talking to the DMV commissioners that even if everything is correct , they'll send it back saying Hey this thing's no good . And we've talked about this before in other videos , the reason they do it . Is because their official method of preventing fraud is just send everyone back . Figuring that whoever's trying to do a fraud . Is going to get scared and say wait a minute maybe they're onto me and they'll just give up on it . If you know your package is correct you know your details are right stick to your guns Re-send it Back in Just double check it make sure it's right . More information on our website at about how to do this process . All the forms and documents for every state are there you can download for free . We have a service We can assist you with it if you like but you can do this whole thing yourself It's not a problem . it just takes time And if you want to put the time into it , you can solve your excess vehicle storage or abandonment problem .

How To File For An Abandoned Vehicle
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