How To Conduct An Asset Search For Bank Accounts

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Bank account searches are the most common type of asset search requested by clients at Active Intel Investigations. In this episode, we'll discuss how to begin your search for bank accounts and the legalities to keep in mind during your search. Learn more at

this is Dave at active Intel investigations today were talking about bank accounts searches. we're gonna walk you through the process and how to do a bank account search I will have more information on our website and active Intel dot com if you need it. so the first step in a bank account searches identifying the subject and their geographic location. so the first thing I wanna do is identify if the subject is an individual or corporation what their tax ID number is and then I identify based on that which geographic locations for the search has to get done. the system has different divisions and different districts to search within so if the bank is domiciled in Nevada or Iowa or Florida or if the person has different domiciles you want to use that to determine which locations to send the search information into. and this this is an example of a bank account report or bank statement. the next step is sending in that financial system request once you know which geographic location to send the request into you can use one of the forms here's an IRS form that an example of a banking form that submitted for that search. and then the third step once you have the bank account information is to use some kind of a legal process. this is an example of a legal process in Florida you wanna use a writ of garnishment that's done with your attorney or through the court and not part of the investigation to to seize the assets once you find the bank accounts to seize the funds to get the money back for your judgment. so that's a brief overview of a bank account search our website has more information on how to do it. also some assistance on a do it yourself process if need be if you have any questions you can reach us at any time

How To Conduct An Asset Search For Bank Accounts
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