How to Apply for a Duplicate Vehicle Title

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Do you want to file for a lost title, a duplicate title, or a replacement title, even if you don't have the original title certificate? In this episode, we'll walk you through how to complete the form and how to fill it out. The most important thing is knowing how to submit it. Even if you complete it, you'll want to know how to send it in to ensure you receive your title.

So you have a vehicle that's missing its original title certificate, and you want to file for a lost title or duplicate title or replacement title How do you do it? Well we're going to walk through in this video an example of how to do that filing how to fill out the form. And what you need to do with the form because that's the most important thing Even if you fill it out, you want to know how to get it submitted to make sure you get your title. This is an example from the state of Pennsylvania which there's 50 different states and every state has a different form The form you see on the screen is their MP3 Three 80 which is their duplicate title form. Every state will have a form like this and it doesn't matter what state you're in You can use this description. For your state And we have other videos that are specific about other states, but this will give you an idea. Of what to do So start with the form itself and make sure that you're aware that every form. For the DMV as a section where it says department use only that means they're going to put their stamps and notes in that section. You don't want to put anything in there One of the most forms or rejected is if you put something that doesn't belong in there sometimes people will put notes like mail it to this address Or, you know my new name is this or whatever it is you want to not put anything in a block that says for department use only make sure you have the correct state This is Pennsylvania and B3 80 now. You can only apply for duplicate title in the state where the last title was issued So let's say you. live in Pennsylvania. But if your vehicle was last titled in New York and you moved to Pennsylvania, you cannot file for duplicate title in Pennsylvania. You would have to file in New York and use their form and submit it to their headquarters in Albany. So…step one is to make sure that the form. State matches up with the state where the vehicle was titled not where you physically are located. Pay attention to the fee. Pennsylvania is 50. You know five or 10 or $15. There's some that are really cheap. the state of Georgia is eight The state of Texas is $2 for a duplicate title, but there's a few states that are a little higher. Illinois is 95 Florida is $79 and 50 cents. So make sure you understand what the fee is. Because if the fee calculation is wrong they won't send it to you Now getting into the form. First thing is usually the applicant and vehicle That's what they need to know. it'll have a place for title number. That is not required. All you need is the VIN number. Vehicle identification number make sure you enter it correctly Now we recommend. That you type this form do not hand write it. If you hand write it. What'll happen is there's a lot of opportunity for errors or mistakes or somebody reading it wrong It doesn't matter how neatly you you write or how cleanly you make the letters and numbers written versus typed. So we. typing it. The other reason for typing it is most DMVs systems. Have a scanning option So if they receive a form that's typed they can put it into their scanner. No human being even has to look at it It will go into the scanner The scanner reads it prints out a title Good to go. If a person has to read it, a lot of times it goes in a pile on somebody's desk. Has to be you have to wait until they get around to looking at it. They process it and do it manually from not only is there a room for error but it takes longer. The scanning system can be usually done instantly same day where the handwritten ones may go into manual review, which takes longer Plus if it goes into manual review there's more chances Something will be rejected where if it's scanned and everything's clean clear boom you're good to go. So make sure you type it. your owner's name Ember is that they're going to match up the name you put on here. With the name in there. The only person in the world. That can apply for a duplicate title is the person whose name is on the title records So let's stop right here. If you're thinking about applying for a duplicate title or a lost title. And you're not the person whose name is in the official title records. Stop don't even try It's not going to work. There are other ways to apply for a title and you can see our website what those are, maybe a bonded title maybe VT transfer prior on a contact court order title there's other methods you do not want to apply for a duplicate if your name is not in the official records because as soon as they get it, they're going to look it up and say, Joe Schmoe is applying for a title but Sally Smith is who we see. And they're just gonna reject it So make sure you only apply for a title if it's in your name…Next part is going to be address change So if you put your address AME as what the records are they allow you to change your address. If the owner's address is different from the addresses on the original title. And the owner's record needs to be updated You would check off that box. So that's a good thing If you've moved. You want to put your new address Here's what we talked to many people throughout the day. our sales department, Talks to a lot of people who the reason they don't have their title is because the DMV mailed it to their old address. DMV mail that out But to the old address well guess what you have to do now, you have to fill out another form pay another $58. And put your new address So make sure you put the address where you want it since. And check off the box. Then you'd want to tell them. What is the reason for your title? Was it lost? Was it defaced Meaning that…Was there white out somebody crossed something out. Remember any title that has any alterations to that title is no good. If you make a mistake and put white out it's no good. Right. If it is damaged like at a rip in it a tear it's no good. So. if it's defaced, it says here deface title must be attached. That helps you. If you send the old title in with this it'll speed up the process because they can look it up faster They don't have to go through a longer process. I never received Here you go Provide your correct address That's what happens a lot If you notice. It happens enough times where they include that as an option for reason, it's a very common thing People put their old address. If you had a lien released…And you want to get that lien taken off the title. You check off that box many times what happens is…a person will have a vehicle. They'll they'll pay their car payments. They get to the end of their loan They pay their last payment, the bank. Sends them the title or lien release. And now you have to get that clear from the title record. You notice I skipped over this one. Stolen. If your title is stolen…It may be delayed on getting a new. one because the DMV is going to do a search to make sure that nobody tried to change the title. Nobody tried to take the ownership out of your name If it was stolen by forging it. Right. So. If it was stolen, make sure you understand That's going to require some additional security on your part. vehicle owner certification right here I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing meaning what's above this is true and correct…Okay. I stayed at the application made for the above title that the items were never received in the mail. You sign that there. So. This is something that you have to sign They take it very seriously Penalty of perjury You can't file for a fake title You can't make false statements because it'd be false They can revoke it So make sure you're putting correct information printed name signature. If it's a lien holder they would sign here Lien satisfaction…And then it. you instructions what to do with it…When this application is processed the previous title will become void Why is that important? Why is that important to know? Well, If you file for a replacement title and they send you a new title and then later on you find your old one. That old one's no good anymore. And the reason this is. Kind of an issue. We've had clients that have purchased a vehicle. Receive the title or the actual title certificate. They go to DMV to switch it to their name. And the DMV tells them no this title is not current. Somebody got a new one after this So this one's no good. So make sure that. If you do get a replacement title or do no good. Talk about vehicle financing We cover that in other videos about lien releases. if the title was never received no fee is required If the application is filed within 90 days that's almost never the case. Most people realize they didn't get the title. Years later. So follow that up If you send for a duplicate title and you don't get it right away, don't wait too long because then you'll have to pay another fee…Vehicle owner signature self-certified pay the fee They don't take cash They check check or money order. Some DMVs will allow you to pay by credit card in person. But…that brings us to the next step It says where to mail it. In. Pennsylvania It's Penn dot which handles this Their headquarters is in Harrisburg. We recommend when you file for duplicate to do it by mail, don't go to your local branch. Don't go to an in-person location I…walk in the door They normally required to make an appointment, which may take a few days. Second of all not every DMV branch. Has blank title certificates in stock. Ready to go? They may not be able to issue you a title on the spot…title certificate is considered to be a legal valid. Government document. So they don't always let the branches keep blank ones laying around because if somebody grabs one they could just type it up for any vehicle And now you have a stolen car. So what they do is they issue them only to branches that have a security threshold Like they have a safe or a vault where they can lock them up. Even then there's a strict protocol on taking them out of the vault. The other thing is even if that branch. Is allowed to keep them They can run out at any time Sometimes you walk in the door and they just ran out of blanks two days before so they don't have any. Realistically, if you may as fast as if you walk in the door maybe even faster. Because. The headquarters can print them out faster than anybody and mail only takes a day or two each way. And you don't have to wait in line. More importantly, remember. If you bring it into the branch somebody has to look at it think about it and they could reject it. If it's scanned at. the major headquarters, Harrisburg Albany. Tallahassee Florida Austin. Texas wherever the main branch is. They actually process them faster…So here's the deal. Most states also allow you to do a transfer at the same time as you're doing the duplicate. When that's the case there'll be a section down here that says who do you want the new owner to be? And you can transfer it at the same time…So those are the details on how to apply for a duplicate. If you have any questions you can put them in the comments or reach us at our website We have a help desk You can have. Title staff standing by that can answer questions. most importantly make sure you follow all the procedures If one thing is wrong they're going to reject it and you're going to have to start all over and wait. Another period of time to get your title in your hands.

How to Apply for a Duplicate Vehicle Title
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