How Much Money Cybercrime Costs Businesses Each Week

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Today we're talking about the financial damage caused by cybercrimes. Cybercrime causes financial damage comparable to hurricanes and other natural disasters—and it's growing every day. In this episode, we'll discuss how much cybercrime costs businesses every week.

…They're still trying to clean up the mess in Florida from hurricane Ian And there's a lot of tragic stories of businesses that were wiped out People who lost their homes. A lot of people didn't have flood insurance and they have no coverage. Certainly FEMA will kick in on some but…no matter where you live in the country even if you don't live in Florida or anywhere near Florida, be aware that you might have a risk. Equal to or greater. Then hurricane Ian to your business every single day. And what do we mean by that Look we're not trying to take anything away. the damage from hurricane Ian. But part of what a lot of people in Florida wish that they had was more coverage maybe more prevention more protection. A lot of people that wrote off the storm said I wish I left, or I wish I had better coverage. So here's what we're talking about. Hurricane Ian is suspected. To be about a 50 to $60 billion loss for that storm. Right. So that's a big number. From one storm however, cyber crime and cyber losses. Cost. 6 trillion. In 2021. Okay. So that's about. If you if you look at it, A cyber crime. Is like a every two week hurricane Ian. Right…6 trillion is like 120 times hurricane Ian in terms of dollars. Well, if you had a. Cyber crime twice a week. You'd have to hurricane eons every single week…For cybercrime your business and this is spread out everywhere It's not localized in one area cyber crime could be affecting your business tomorrow. It could affect it next month It could affect it in two months. So be aware. That when you look at the damage and devastation. From a natural disaster like hurricane Ian. God bless those people there that's of success for the recovery. That there may not be a hurricane bearing down on your city There may not be a tornado bearing down on your city, but they're cyber crime bearing down on your business every single day. So having great prevention. Maybe good coverage would be a way to protect yourself from a disaster. No less risky than a hurricane like Ian, but a lot more invisible and it comes without warning.

How Much Money Cybercrime Costs Businesses Each Week
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