How Long Does It Take To Get A Title From The DMV?

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So how long does it take to get a title or registration for a vehicle from the DMV? How about months? In this episode, we'll talk about a DMV office in North Carolina that recognizes customers are experiencing "extreme wait times" and how to navigate this if you're in a rush to get your vehicle title.

So how long does it take to get a title or registration for a vehicle How about months? Well, that's a little bit of a teaser It doesn't always take a month but here's an article from North Carolina. Where their own department of motor vehicles is saying they're acknowledging that customers are experiencing extreme wait times. With a backlog from the pandemic and a lot of. The positions in that company Vacant look. Hiring problems doesn't just exist in the public in the private sector with companies. not able to hire workers, the government faces the same problem. So they have a third of the positions vacant at the department of motor vehicles And again this is North Carolina This is one state but it's an example of what you might find in your state. And this is not in the middle of the pandemic This is November. Of 2022…Getting a title or driver's license or registration is an important event You need that to drive your car What can you do to speed up the process Well first of all, Make sure. the paperwork is correct when it's submitted. If you send something into the DMV. And they have forget about months even if it's a three week wait time…And there's something wrong with it You have to wait three weeks to find out something's wrong with it then fix it. Then send it back in and wait another three weeks. Sometimes the rejections take longer than a successful title. Here's why. If you send in a package and it's correct it goes through the proper channels of issuing a title. It it's incorrect. The first clerk. The first department that gets it this supposed to issue a title. They see it's incorrect. They don't just send it back They pass it along to basically their boss their managers…to make sure that it's really incorrect. They don't want to just reject it on on its face. They want somebody else to look at it to make sure they're right. So sometimes you might have to wait longer to find out something is wrong than you would have if it was right in the. place as an example, We find out in the state of Vermont. That if you send in paperwork that's right. You might get it back in 10 to 14 business days. If you send in paperwork that's wrong, you might have to wait three weeks to find out that it's wrong. So where I'm going with this. So make sure your paperwork is correct. What's another strategy Well, sometimes if you go in person…To the DMV office closest to you. You might think that's going to be faster, maybe not. That office that's closest to you might be a branch office They might not actually process documents in the office. You might think Well if I go there in person I can walk out with my paperwork. It doesn't work that way. Not every office is designed to actually process paperwork They're usually just a reception desk…In many states, the main branch usually at the Capitol like in North Carolina it'd be Raleigh. In Georgia B Atlanta, some states it's in a different. Town than the Capitol in Connecticut it's Weathersfield which is next door to the Capitol of Hartford, but that's where their main branch is.. Sometimes we find if you send it by mail. To the main branch of the DMV. You will actually get faster results than if you try to walk in and make an appointment. So use that as a strategy Plus if there is something wrong with it, that's where they determine it You'll get a sent back right away. If they find a problem at a branch they might have to send it to the main office have them review it and then send it back to you. If you mail it directly to the main office. You might find out instantly if you have to get more paperwork. So. Be prepared for delays. Try to work around it. Remember a title is a legal government document issued only by a government agency You can't buy one from a company You can't download one from the internet. It has to come from that agency and it's considered a legal document. So make sure your paperwork is correct I get a cent in right. And get your title as fast as possible.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Title From The DMV?
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