How Long Do EV Batteries Last?

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In the next 20 years, it's predicted that all vehicles on the road will be electric. This means that there's a lot of research going into developing better batteries for these vehicles. In this episode, we'll discuss the lifespan of EV batteries, how much it costs to replace an EV battery, and the special disposal methods for these enormous batteries.

The big unknown for electric vehicles is what's going to happen with battery degregation battery failure . And if you can check out our website E V it gives you some some , suggestions about being able to test . The battery on a use electric vehicle to make sure that you're not buying something that's at the end of its lifespan . This article from slash gear gives you a good idea . Of what the expected lifespan is for a battery and what's going to happen at the end of ownership . And that's the title of their article What's going to happen to millions . Of electric vehicles after their lifespan then we're not talking about a small number . And the current marketplace , new cars . Are sold at a rate of about 12 million per year By 2040 it's expected that every new car on every car on the road is going to be an electric vehicle That's 15 years away . Not that far away As 10 million vehicles a year come off the road at some point in the future . Where'd all those batteries go And how long does it last Well this article has some great insight Limited lifespan starts to degrade from the first time you charged them What happens when they reach capacity And how long does that take ? Once battery's reached 70 or 80% of their capacity , which happens at either five or eight years after a hundred thousand miles of driving they have to be replaced according to science direct . Let's stop right there Hundred thousand miles . You have to replace the battery Most gasoline vehicles . That have been produced in the last five to 10 years . Last upwards of 200,000 miles . And at that point you might have to replace the engine or the transmission , which are expensive items . But those could be rebuilt . gasoline piston engine I can be refurbished or rebuilt , replaced the pistons and bearings and rings . And you basically have a new engine that will start over The battery is really the entire mechanical part of the vehicle And they're saying according to the . Surveys that it's going to last a hundred thousand miles or five to eight years of driving And you have to replace the battery Well how much is the battery cost ? Well we've seen . Examples where it's cost 15 20 sometimes $25,000 . To replace a battery . That's half the price of some of these cars Rebuilding an engine . In a gasoline car might cost five or 6,000 . 7,000 If it's very rare This is double , triple that amount So Is the Economic advantage I have an electric vehicle . Exaggerated . If you have to replace a $20,000 battery . In five to eight years or a hundred thousand miles . How does that factor into the cost , even if you don't replace it even if you sell the vehicle or trade it in or get rid of it , that's going to factor into how much it's worth . Right If you have a six year old vehicle with 90,000 miles And you go to sell it and everybody knows the battery needs replacing in a hundred thousand . How much are you going to get for it Maybe nothing . We'll electric vehicles be like cell phones They're worth really nothing at the end You just get a new one . That would be okay . If they were cheaper . But electric vehicles actually cause more than gasoline vehicles . And they last . A shorter period of time . In years and miles in fact , Eight years even if you went eight years a hundred thousand miles That's 12,000 miles a year Most people drive almost twice that . Most people drive 20,000 miles a year Sometimes 25,000 miles a year at least 18,000 . What are your thoughts on the predicted lifespan of electric vehicle batteries ? What are your thoughts on . Is there going to be a market ? To sell use batteries . Let's see what happens when the battery is replaced . According to the article recycling car batteries is a dangerous process that involves splitting them apart to extract a metal . Recyclers use two technologies One is a burning process , but there's a risk of toxic fumes . There's other issues , EV batteries weigh a lot . You have to transport them There are a fire hazard when stored together . There's there's been more than 240 lithium battery fires . In . waste facilities . If these batteries find a way to landfills harmful toxins such as lead . Can contaminate the groundwater So , I don't know if this has been planned for not . But that's what happens at the end . Of The battery lifespan . More importantly is removing a battery from an electric vehicle is different than removing a gasoline engine from an internal combustion vehicle . The reason why is a gasoline engine ? Is a separate Object that's bolted into under the hood of the car You've all opened up your car and you see this metal item that's in there That's the engine A battery inside an electric vehicle is an integral part of the floor It's actually . Built into the floor sandwich between the sheet metal of the cars and that's something you can just unbolt and take out in some cars It actually makes up the structure of the vehicle So the labor cost to remove and replace that battery . May be excessive . Compared to . What it would cost just to get a new vehicle What have you seen ? In your area If you're an automotive professional mechanic a dealer . What are the plans for . The end of life of these electric vehicles How long do you think they're going to last Are there vehicle testing battery testing . Facilities that can tell you before you buy used vehicle , is it going to be any good Look , if you buy a gasoline vehicle , you could have a mechanic inspect your engine , transmission . shocks breaks to see what condition they're in . You can do compression testing on the cylinders . You can do where testing on the motor oil The testing of a battery's a little more of a black art . And to date . There may be some ambiguity in knowing how much battery lifestyle lifespan you have left , because a lot of it has to do more than miles . It has to do with how many times has been charged under what temperature conditions . Was it run to empty in hundred degree weather . Was it left Freezing On a DC Hi . Charging . Port . Those are going to affect your battery . Lifespan numbers more so than miles . On electric vehicles . And if you plug in . Your vehicle every night and do a slow charge That's one thing , if you take long trips and fast charge it , every couple of hundred miles that wears out your battery , even more , these are some of the new . Factors that go into electric vehicle manufacturing and ownership . And cost of ownership that may not be completely realized in the vehicle purchase decision-making process

How Long Do EV Batteries Last?
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