How Illegal Usage of Private Investigator Information Can Undermine a Strong Legal Case

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Let’s set the scene: You hire a private investigator to do some research on a competitor, maybe another company, and possibly another party. Then they come up with information; all good, right? Well, maybe not.

In this episode, we'll discuss a case where a large corporation, Impossible Foods, hired a private investigator to look into the activities of a competitor to ensure that their actions are legal. However, they were accused of misusing the private investigator in a patent fight with the competitor. Is Impossible Foods liable for the unlawful acts of the private investigator that they hired?

Episode Resources:

Are you in need of expert advice from a licensed private investigator on asset searches, online scams, or fraud, or just looking for general advice on what options are available for your case? Schedule an investigation consultation with one of our licensed private investigators to discuss all of your questions. Don't wait; take action now and get the guidance you need from the experts. Visit to book your consultation today.
How Illegal Usage of Private Investigator Information Can Undermine a Strong Legal Case
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