How Does A Hacker Break Into Government Systems?

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…Even government agencies are getting cyber attacks Here's an example where our county. In New York had there. real estate records or clerk's office attacked by a hacker. And it deleted files deleted records held them hostage. But if you notice in the article description…The cyber attack was from a third party records management vendor. Right. So this is where a lot of cyber attacks happen. Your computer system whether you're a government agent. agency or if you are a private sector company, You have connections to many other organizations you have connections to vendors. To CRM providers maybe like Salesforce or Google or Amazon, you probably have connections to customer or client systems to exchange information. And any one of those could be a method where a hacker could get into your system Even if you have the best protections on your system, if one of your vendors clients customers, or providers has a vulnerability and the hacker gets in there They may use that to jump into yours. This is where third party protection is extremely important whether it's through your insurance company. Your cyber insurer or a cyber defense. system. The third party is the vulnerability because you trust and give access to third parties all the time on a daily basis. And if that third party isn't secure which you'll never know, you might have a vulnerability yourself. by proxy. And this is an example government agency. There are county clerk. Was basically shut down. Because of a hack and it didn't go directly to the government. It came through. A third party So be aware of what connections you have and what are the best practices to prevent that from happening in your business.

How Does A Hacker Break Into Government Systems?
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