How Cyber Attacks Are Crippling Small Businesses: Protect Your Company Now

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  • Main Points Covered:
    • Severity of the Threat:
      • 60% of companies that experience a cyber attack go out of business within six months.
      • Small and midsize businesses are the most common targets for cyber attacks.
      • The impact can be especially severe for businesses like repair shops, stores, or restaurants.
    • Types of Damage Caused by Cyber Attacks:
      • Cyber attacks often involve holding businesses for ransom rather than just infiltrating systems.
      • Attackers may shut down essential systems such as point-of-sale (POS), payroll, accounts receivable, or customer management systems (CMS).
      • Potential consequences include the deletion of client files or selling sensitive data on the dark web.
    • Financial and Operational Impact:
      • Inability to process sales, collect payments, pay employees, or buy from vendors for weeks can cause irreversible damage.
      • Companies can face customer loss, employee turnover, financial penalties, and government enforcement actions for data breaches.
    • Case Study - CDK Attack:
      • A cyber attack shut down 15,000 car dealerships for a month, disrupting sales and repairs.
      • Larger businesses may survive with financial reserves, but small businesses often lack such a safety net.
    • Recommended Cybersecurity Practices:
      • Implement active monitoring and develop a response plan to minimize risks.
      • Don’t assume that being a non-tech company reduces your vulnerability.
  • Call to Action:
    • If you have questions about protecting your business from cyber attacks or managing potential losses, click the link below for more information.
    • Access live, one-on-one consultations with experts in fields such as investigations, insurance, civil mediation, real estate, business development, and more.
    • Visit for expert advice tailored to your situation.
  • Additional Resources:
    • Explore previous episodes discussing cybersecurity best practices and protective measures.
    • Submit questions or comments about the episode via the link below.
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How Cyber Attacks Are Crippling Small Businesses: Protect Your Company Now
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