How Computer Forensics Can Uncover Hidden Assets In A Divorce Case

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Computer forensics and mobile device forensics can uncover powerful and valuable information for a divorce case. In this episode, we'll discuss what types of assets and information can be uncovered using computer forensics and how it can potentially benefit you in the outcome of a divorce or court proceeding.

In a divorce case there's some very good uses and powerful results from computer forensics One of the uses primarily is to find hidden assets If a counterparty in a case you know a future former spouse is trying to hide assets that keep them from becoming separated in community property Then computer forensics can find where those assets were hidden You can also look for things like funds transfers To third parties maybe they send $10,000 to their cousin to put in their bank account maybe you'll find GPS directions to a safe deposit box We found that in forensics How you may find unknown credit cards secured credit cards maybe things that are showing on a credit report bank accounts in many cases you'll also find the opposing party's life and character habits things like addiction to gambling maybe drugs maybe pornography maybe infidelity extra marital affairs sometimes a counterparty to a divorce will manipulate their finances in advance of that divorce to try to keep their income low We've seen employees of companies who are salespeople artificially lower their commissions or their bonuses during the divorce period to establish a lower income level for the spousal maintenance This can a lot of times be uncovered through computer forensics of mobile devices or even laptops Sometimes E-bay or PayPal are used To collect money from the sale of assets through Craigslist through other sources and that money can be held at a PayPal account that is not always easily identifiable through a credit report or financial disclosure
If somebody is spying on you electronically that can also be revealed through computer forensic So in the same way that you might legally use through discovery or depositions The disclosure of computer forensics some parties take a shortcut and try to install spyware or hacking on your computer to track information about you that may be private maybe part of attorney client privilege So having your own devices swept for illegal hacking can also help prevent damage to you in a divorce case regardless of you're involved in any kind of family event divorce spousal maintenance child support maybe a child custody matter Computer forensics Can help provide the factual evidence and information That can support your arguments in the case and gets you better results.

How Computer Forensics Can Uncover Hidden Assets In A Divorce Case
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