How Car Title Scammers Use The Mechanics Lien Process To Commit Fraud

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The mechanic's lien process has been abused by companies for decades, but the scam is starting to evolve into something more than just getting an improper title.

This is Dave at car titles Today we're going to talk about mechanics lien fraud on defaulted loans You know for for decades there have been companies that have fraudulently use the mechanic's lien process to get people title documents for cars And they've done this maybe advertise on Craigslist or maybe if somebody asked them they've done it And usually they're towing companies or body shops that can use the mechanics and process to get titles for cars legitimately when a car is brought in for service but what they'll do is for a small fee two or three or $400 They'll get somebody a title using this process in a fraudulent manner We've now come across companies that are using active marketing to contact people who are delinquent on their car loans They use skip tracing list repo list Other types of collection agency lists to find people who are delinquent or in default on a car loan and they offer to pay this person To get their car A hundred two or $300 to get a car And then they use The fraudulent mechanics lien process to file for a title Once they get the title for this car they'll sell it through a dealership Craigslist offer up some other process sometimes eBay and usually to unsuspecting buyers What they're doing is using the mechanic's lien process to defeat The loan and to wipe it clear off of the title And the lender becomes defrauded And because of the fact that it's misrepresented how the mechanics lien is done this loan clearance is actually inadequate meaning that that loan could be put back on the vehicle Titles can get revoked People can have other legal or criminal problems So be aware that the mechanics lien process is being used fraudulently For more than just getting titles It's a method of acquisition For a fraudsters that are selling these cars in the open market to unsuspecting buyers

How Car Title Scammers Use The Mechanics Lien Process To Commit Fraud
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