Hidden Cyber Attacks Hitting Your Business Every Day

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Cyber attacks are no joke. Cybercriminals are constantly evolving and learning new ways to work around firewalls and other risk prevention technology. Many businesses find that they've had cybercriminals in their network without even realizing that there was an intruder until it was too late.

So as a business you're probably curious about what is your risk Of a cyber attack. Well an article in the insurance business Publication had a quote from an industry insider that says a lot of insureds may not even be aware of the vulnerability they're exposed to in the last 12 months. meaning that you probably had threats to your business Maybe even successful attacks That you didn't even know about. Maybe somebody downloaded your customer file and they're spamming those customers Maybe they downloaded your internal employee file and they're just waiting to use them or selling them on the dark web. As an insurance company They want to provide them with up-to-date information And a lot of underwriters provide insureds with Information that you may not have from your IT department. One of the factors that affect cyber liability insurance Is what you have for protection That you mightn't even know you need. insurance companies Aren't just Putting these protections in for certain businesses like pipelines or or hospitals they're putting it in for any type of company multifactor authentication protecting the infrastructure meaning that the hardware and the software are protected. So if you are a business of any size Look at what the industry insiders are calling this. They're calling it a cyber liability battle It's like a war. And Unless you know you're in a war You won't know to have to fight back Most companies don't know that they're being attacked on a daily basis. We have reports that show on different companies How many bots are attacking the company any given day. almost every one of the companies has bot attacks every day. Now a lot of them are not successful but it's just a matter of time until those bots figure out how to get through Some of the protections you have. and even if you have all the protections you need for today A bot or a hacker might figure out a vulnerability in the future Because of some platform you have. and every platform at some point we'll have a vulnerability and you just want to stay ahead of the patch of that Breach of that vulnerability

Hidden Cyber Attacks Hitting Your Business Every Day
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