Hidden Assets Found In The US, Not Swiss Bank Accounts

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The US is actually an easier country to hide assets in when compared to the other notorious methods like Swiss bank accounts and money in the Cayman Islands. Why do most people focus on offshore accounts, rather than looking in the US first?

So where are most hidden assets held. You've heard about the infamous Swiss bank account People hiding money in Bermuda or the Cayman islands or in south America. Where do most people hide assets. Well you might be surprised to know or maybe not because you're looking at the screen Most hidden assets are held right here in the U S. Many times clients contact us worried About doing an asset search because they think that the debtor or the hider Is hiding money overseas offshore accounts. And in most cases we'll tell the client well even if they are off shore we can find them It's not like it's you have to go there anymore Everything's electronic. But Don't worry most Debtors or Ponzi schemer or scammers don't bother with hiding money off shore because the U S Is the biggest place to hide assets For secrecy. So Don't worry that you have to do off shore searching. Most of our assets searches find the vast majority of assets onshore in the us bank accounts real estate trust Different tax advantage Financial facilities. According to the article of investment or investigative journalist The United States is the world's largest enabler or financial security surpassing notorious tax havens like Switzerland Cayman islands and Bermuda. According to the analysis the tax justice network The financial secretive indexed us has the highest score or lowest score depending on how you look at it For financial secrecy. So don't worry that people are trying to hide assets elsewhere. When we search for bank accounts And we search for other assets Most of what we find is in the U S. Occasionally we find stuff elsewhere but the us is where we find it. partly because There's enough secrecy here to satisfy almost every scammer or asset hider. And even if you could find something slightly better somewhere else it's much easier to do it in the U S especially if you're scamming in the U S. if you shift it off shore you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to do that And you have enough protection here in the us or at least perceived protection. Any assets can be located With enough effort with enough work. So if you have a case where you have a judgment against somebody Or you have a debt owed by somebody And do you want to find their assets Don't worry that they can't be found just because they're overseas. Most scammers don't take the steps that are necessary to hide assets. Even if you think they're clever even if you think they're smart Remember there are large scale Ponzi and narcotics traffickers that hide hundreds of millions of dollars Billions of dollars And those assets are found with enough time and effort. Think the federal government found Bernie Madoff's assets billions of dollars. Noriega's assets Major narcotics trafficker in the eighties and nineties Hundreds of millions of dollars. Those assets were found. So somebody trying to hide 50 grand a hundred grand even a million or two They're not going to have the resources To hide assets well enough. They might have hide them from civilian consumers That are trying to find him Just doing Google searches online But they're not going to be able to find them from a professional Investigator who knows how to search for assets. I'm not talking to investigator that Does surveillance look through binoculars and follow somebody around I'm talking about an investigator or an agency that specializes in asset search and recovery. That's a specialization just like for a doctor heart surgeon is different than the brain surgeon. And an attorney A fraud attorney is different from a criminal defense attorney Or an ambulance chaser litigation attorney. Assets Create paper trails. You may not be able to find them directly but you can find the trail that leads you to where they're hidden. You find the footprints To the cave where they're secreted so to speak. If you're looking for bank accounts real estate corporate assets Digital assets cryptocurrency A proper asset search Isn't going to be thwarted just by boundaries of a country. And in Recent years It doesn't matter They're in the U S anyways. in fact the harder Searches are when somebody Is overseas. We get a lot of calls from overseas investigators especially in European nations Israel Looking for assets that people over there have hidden in the us It's not going the other way. We get calls all the time from agencies and investigators that are in other parts of the country saying Hey we need to find assets in the us that somebody here has hidden in the U S. So it's not like trying to Find us money hidden in the Swiss bank account anymore It's the other way around. Let us know in the comments about your case We can reach our website active Intel or arrange for a consultation with an investigator at TelaClient.com. Assets are an important part of you recovering loss a debt a judgment a scam A Ponzi scheme That's owed to you. If It's your money sitting in their account You should be getting it back Not trying to argue over whose money it really is. Let us know what you think We'll see you in the next video.

Hidden Assets Found In The US, Not Swiss Bank Accounts
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