Future Shock: Unveiling the Next Wave of Cyber Attacks

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  • Discussing the recent CDK cyber attack affecting car dealerships and its broader implications for businesses.
Key Points:
  • Impact of the Attack: The CDK attack, while not widely known by name, has significant repercussions. According to CNN, these outages could become the new norm for cyber attacks.
  • Duration and Disruption: Businesses are being shut down for days to weeks, disrupting operations severely. Even after weeks, there's uncertainty about when services will fully resume.
  • Operational Challenges: Dealerships are facing a backlog of paperwork due to the inability to use electronic systems. This includes everything from car sales to service and registration.
  • Wider Vulnerabilities: It's not just dealerships; any business reliant on service providers for critical functions like database management is vulnerable.
  • Contingency Planning: Emphasize the importance of contingency planning. Every business, regardless of industry, must prepare for potential service interruptions from cyber attacks.
  • Practical Considerations: Highlight the need to assess reliance on third-party platforms for essential functions like sales leads, paperwork management, and inventory control.
Call to Action:
  • Consultation and Support: Offer viewers a solution through ActualHuman.com, providing live consultations with experts in cybersecurity and business continuity planning.
  • Preparation is Key: Encourage businesses to review their contingency plans and consider the potential impact of service interruptions on their operations.
  • Resource Access: Remind viewers about the resources available on your website, including consulting services and insurance options tailored to mitigate cyber risks.
  • Recap the importance of being prepared for cyber threats, ensuring business continuity, and invite viewers to engage with your resources for further assistance.
  • Thank viewers for watching and direct them to leave questions or comments. Highlight the availability of one-on-one consultations for deeper dives into specific business challenges.
Future Shock: Unveiling the Next Wave of Cyber Attacks
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