From Gas to Electric: Exploring the Unique Experience of Buying an EV

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…You might think that buying a used electric vehicles the same as buying any other used car but there's a few important differences Look buying a vehicle. Gasoline vehicle combustion engine vehicle has been the same for a hundred years, right From the early 19 hundreds to…the early. Two thousands, right Being a used car purchaser. In 1923 was not much different than 2023 You have to check out the vehicle make sure it was in good shape, negotiate a price haggle buy the car. you're done. Electric vehicles. are a little different

here's a really good article from CNBC about buying a used electric vehicle and what it entails And let's look at one part of it That's very important. First that Evie range will decline when you buy. A gasoline vehicle combustion vehicle. Sure There may be repairs needed over time. but how far the car is going to go Doesn't change right If the car deteriorates either runs or doesn't…right. It's not that you can. go as far.

One of the other things is batteries are the most expensive part in an EV and cost over 10,000 to replace. It's not like a Gasoline engine on the vehicle that may be if it needs new spark plug do you spend a couple of hundred bucks? Maybe if it needs new brakes you spend a couple of hundred bucks. The battery is either all or nothing… You either. Buy a new one. Or. It doesn't work, right There's no in between. And it degrades. it could be excessive. it can lose five or 10% of their power in the first five years So if you have a vehicle that has let's say a 200 mile range, Well after a few years it might be down to 180, 1 90.

here's the worst part Battery life is hard to measure. Determining the exact condition of a battery's life can be tricky Now that's why, if you look at the link on the bottom of the screen, you'll see that there's some ways to check out that battery. It's not just as simple as. Looking at the mileage looking at the odometer battery life is notoriously more complex to determine there's some things you can do That's. A prediction based on mileage age climate and other factors. But…that's not going to. Tell you how many times it had a fast charge? How many times it was charged up when it's cold or run down when it's hot. Also mileage on EVs is different than mileage on. Gas cars.

sustained cruising at highway speeds tends to drain batteries faster than stop and go driving. That's the opposite of gasoline cars, gasoline cars. You've always heard Well it's got high miles but it was highway miles not stop and Go. It's the opposite with electric vehicles. Also finding deals on electric vehicles is different than on gasoline vehicles. What you're going to find is luxury EVs are the best deals and you can check out the website You can see a link on bottom of the screen. You're going to find a lot more deals on luxury EVs than you will on lower line EVs. Also you may find. That there may be some tax credits even on use electric vehicles not just on new ones.

Either way You want to make sure you check out that battery because really you're not buying a vehicle You're buying a battery with four wheels And if it unless you check out the battery, the condition of the tires the dents and the door, warm seats aren't going to mean anything. If the battery doesn't work, you now have a lawn ornament that doesn't go anywhere until you replace a 10 or 15 or even $20,000 battery.

From Gas to Electric: Exploring the Unique Experience of Buying an EV
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