EV Economics: Is There a Fire Sale on Used Electric Vehicles?

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  • Herz is offering a massive sale on used Teslas for $25,000 each, slashing prices from their original $50,000 to $60,000 range just a few years ago.
Market Dynamics:
  • With an excess inventory of tens of thousands of cars, Herz needs to move them quickly, hence the no-haggle pricing strategy.
  • Under the pressure of supply outweighing demand, Herz is forced to reduce prices to avoid losses.
Considerations for Buyers:
  • While the $25,000 price tag is enticing, potential buyers should prioritize a thorough battery inspection and clear title verification.
  • These used EVs could serve well as a second vehicle, offering fuel savings and low maintenance costs suitable for certain lifestyles.
Final Thoughts:
  • Purchasing a $25,000 Tesla may be a rare opportunity for those considering an affordable late-model car.
  • However, acceptance of EV technology varies, and individual lifestyle compatibility remains crucial in making this decision.
EV Economics: Is There a Fire Sale on Used Electric Vehicles?
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