Do You Need VT-010 VIN Verification for Vermont Title?

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Are you using the Vermont registration loophole to get a title for your vehicle? If so, you may be wondering about the VIN verification process. In this episode, we'll discuss the VIN verification process to determine if you need it for your application and who is authorized to perform this type of request.

…So if you're watching this video it's probably because you're trying to fill out this VT zero 0 1 0. VIN verification form for the Vermont. Registration loophole. And you're wondering, how do I do it How do I fill it out Well, if you receive the package from us you already have the instructions on doing this. If you're doing this yourself. The first thing you need to do is to determine if you actually need this form many application packages do not need this form even though it seems like you do. If you filled out the VA. Nine form correctly. And you have the right kind of vehicle. You don't need this form. So first thing you want to do is find out if you actually need this form. And if you do, here's some instructions on how to do it First of all. Only section one is to be filled in by you The applicant name address email make model of the vehicle and so on If you notice there's no place for the VIN number. On the section that you fill in that's on purpose has to be completed. Bye. authorized personnel now who is an authorized personnel? Well if you notice. For the instructions It has to be. A sworn law enforcement agent. That means any police officer, sheriff state patrol. anybody basically with a gun and a badge, if they worked for the DMV they can do it but they have to be a sworn officer in your state. So you may call up your local DMV or your local police department And they might say no we don't do it for out of state. They don't really understand that this doesn't have to be. Any particular in-state form. All it has to do is a sworn officer says that I looked at this vehicle I ran the van for stolen, and I verified that the VIN and the paperwork matches. That's all they have to say. But remember you may not need this You may not have to go through this hassle…The police officer. That does this has to look at the vehicle. So if your vehicle is not running. You have to bring it to them many times They don't want to come drive it around just to inspect the VIN number on your vehicle. Police departments this day and age…are understaffed. They have. The you know they're not even coming to some calls for burglary anymore because they have to only focus on higher priority crimes. So if you're asking them just to sign a VIN form for another state, they might just blow you off If you ask them to come to your house. If you bring the vehicle to them, a lot of times it's a lot easier to do, although it might be inconvenient, you're asking them to do you a favor. So that's the most important part. But before you go through the hassle make sure. That you look at our other videos about whether or not you need this VIN verification You probably don't need it If you've done the paperwork correctly and you have the right type of vehicle. But if you do need it, then go ahead and have an agent that's authorized to do it Sign the form and fill in the.

Do You Need VT-010 VIN Verification for Vermont Title?
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