Do You Need a Letter of Non-Interest for a Lien Release?

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  • When preparing a lien release request package, it's essential to include a "letter of non-interest."
What is a Letter of Non-Interest?
  • A letter of non-interest is an alternate document used when a lien holder cannot sign a lien release.
  • It indicates that the lien holder no longer has any interest in the vehicle.
Why Use a Letter of Non-Interest?
  • Sometimes lien holders cannot sign a lien release if the lien is old, charged off, or written off, and not visible in their system.
  • A letter of non-interest helps bypass this issue by stating the lien holder's disinterest in the vehicle, even if it’s been sold or purged from their system.
Benefits of a Letter of Non-Interest
  • It simplifies the process as the lien holder can easily verify their lack of interest in the vehicle.
  • Increases the likelihood of receiving the necessary documentation to clear the title.
Additional Tips
  • Include a return envelope with the letter of non-interest to avoid delays or the document being discarded due to lack of postage.
  • Ensure all details are followed to avoid issues with obtaining a clean title.
Further Assistance
  • For personalized advice, visit for live, one-on-one consultations with experts in this field.
  • Check out other videos on our channel for more information on related topics to help resolve your issues.
Do You Need a Letter of Non-Interest for a Lien Release?
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