DMV Title Troubles: Why Is It So Hard to Get One?

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So, do you hate the DMV? Well, imagine these people waiting in line at 2 a.m.—over a hundred people standing in the dark. This is in Broward County, Florida. These pictures were posted on social media, showing people just sitting and waiting, hoping to get into the DMV to obtain a title, registration, or license. The caption says they only accept the first 50 people, yet there are over 100 people in line.

Anything you can do to avoid waiting in line is worth considering.

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Now, back to your video. The DMV is a challenge. Try to handle things by mail, online, or maybe even through a service. But if you need to go in person, waiting in line is the last thing you want to do.

As you’ve probably already found out, you won’t get anyone on the phone when you call them. The DMV doesn’t have customer service, so don’t waste your time trying. This is just another example of why dealing with the DMV is tough and why you might want to look for alternatives to going in person and torturing yourself by standing in line at 2 a.m.

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DMV Title Troubles: Why Is It So Hard to Get One?
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