Destination Mindset: Change Your Goal Mindset To Focus On What You Really Want

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The words we use to describe our ambitions have an impact on the mindset we adopt to achieve them. Think of a goal in terms of a soccer game, the team practices achieving goals, but in reality, they might not actually make a goal during the game. In this episode, we'll discuss how to turn your goals into destinations and how to move toward that mindset. If you want to succeed, stop setting goals.

…You should stop setting goals immediately. If you stop setting goals you will have better results than setting goals. Well what that sounds counterproductive for all your life You've heard people say you should have goals. You should set important goals for yourself. It's not about…the idea of not having. Ambitions. But don't set them as gold here goals Here's why. Think about the word goal. Imagine a soccer team they practice every day. For weeks preparing for a game. And all they do for hours and practice is practice scoring a goal. They practice scoring a goal. And they spend, let's say 10 days in between games. And they spend three hours a day times 10 days That's 30 hours. This entire team practices scoring a goal…They get to their game. They play their soccer game. And if you've watched soccer, You may see them score zero. maybe two goals in that game. In fact, most of the players on the team don't score any goals…Some soccer games result in a zero zero tie or one to zero. Final score. Which means all that effort when at the scoring one goal. And all they did for the entire. Running time of that soccer match was try to score a goal and they didn't score any. Now consider this…Today or yesterday. You. Went someplace to run an errand Maybe you dropped off your kids at school. Maybe you went to the grocery store. Maybe you went to work. When you. Left your house to do that. You had a route to take you had a destination in mind, you know if you. Leave your house You take a ride on Oak street left on main street go down the highway, get off exit 22, take a right. On Elm street you're going to get to that destination…Did you practice that before you went to work Did you practice for two or three days driving that route to make sure it would work ? Did you practice driving to kids' school to make sure you'd get there ? No you didn't have to practice it. Because it's a very specific set of instructions to get to a destination. It wasn't a goal. And. Maybe. 300 days out of the year, you drive to work or drive to the store or drive to your kid's school. Of those 300 days. How many times do you fail on getting there Well maybe once or twice if you get a flat tire you get distracted you get a phone call you have to go somewhere else. But most of the time you get there. Maybe there's an accident and you have to go around and take another route who knows. But. All those 300 times you succeeded in getting to that destination because you had a very specific set of instructions to get there. It wasn't a goal I set a goal for myself to get to work. It's not a goal It's a destination. So. For the important things in your life that you wanna accomplish, don't make it a goal make it a destination. If you just put a random kind of pie in the sky goal with no. Specific set of plans to get there. You might have the same success as the soccer team. If you set it as a destination with very specific a B C D. Series of instructions. Your chances of getting there are much higher. It'll be like driving to work driving to your kid's school. It has a destination So what we recommend doing. Is instead of using the word goal for the things you want to accomplish or have use the word destination that way you can think about it in different terms and actually plan for it in different terms It's not just a word game. Because you might think well I'm just changing the same name of what I'm doing. Yes and no you're changing the name first, but you're also changing the mental process. For how long. imagining getting to that place. If it's a goal you might get there one out of 10 times one out of 20 times how many goals have you set ? That you did not eventually. Accomplish…How many destinations did you set ? That you did not accomplish. You said destinations like we talked about work school. Grocery store vacations go into your relatives house out of state, all of those destinations you probably got to them 99% of the time with a few exceptions for unusual circumstances, because you had Directions maybe. Your navigation on your car gave you the directions but you still had directions…If a goal doesn't have very specific directions that almost guarantees you getting there. Then it's really not. Realistic to expect You're going to make that happen. Sure there are going to be difficult things about. Some of the. goals or destinations you set some of them you may not get to. But at least if you have a plan of all the steps to get there, you now have a. More confident belief of how it's going to happen It's not just like flipping a coin or playing the lottery like who knows what's going to happen. You know what you're planning on doing now ? Certainly you can make changes to those steps. If you. Made five or six steps of instructions to get to that destination halfway through If you realize well wait this is going to be too hard Let me do something different Or this one is, not possible Let me do something different That's fine You can change the series of steps to get to that destination but at least if you have. A first. Completely connected series of steps that get from a to B with no gaps in between no breaks in the chain. Now you have a plan and you can be confident You can believe that that destination will happen. If you have a goal that you're not sure if it's going to happen. How…Committed are you going to be taking. Action towards it. If you don't have the clear picture of how to get there. You're not going to be that committed to making it happen because you might fail…And that's going to be part of. The probability of getting there or not. When you have a destination with all the steps that are described. You know you're not going to fail You're committed It's going to happen…If you were using the same. Analogy. And you said well I want to drive to, this bowling alley, but I don't know if there's any roads that get there out of low what the directions to get there. You're not going to be really that committed. To getting the the first time there's traffic or you get bored or something else happens You're going to bail on the idea…Same thing with goals and destinations. If you don't know exactly how the result is going to happen. You won't be committed to it You might say you are and you might really want it. But the commitment to execute on those steps especially when there's adversity, especially when there's problems that pop up which. As all of us know. Often do and definitely do…When those problems in adversity pop-up having that clear series of steps will give you the confidence. And commitment. To work through that problem to get there. And it makes it easier. Right If you if you want to be efficient and you know you know one of the things that we like to say is lazy People can actually get more done because they find the easiest way…If you want to be lazy about it having a destination means you don't have to think about the steps You can just follow the plan you came up with to begin with. Again, goals versus destinations It's a word game. But also has a…means of, of creating a different plan a different, mindset to getting to an objective that you really really want.

Destination Mindset: Change Your Goal Mindset To Focus On What You Really Want
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