Decoding the Drive: How to Detect a Failing EV Battery

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 Importance of Checking Battery on Used Electric Vehicles:
  • Tesla's battery degradation issue highlighted by Jalopnik:
    • Reports show Tesla batteries drop to under 65% of EPA range in just three years.
    • Warranty discrepancy: supposed to last 8 years.
  • Uncertainty in battery condition for all brands:
    • No guarantee on battery capacity (100%, 60%, 50%, or lower).
    • Each vehicle varies in degradation rate.
  • Factors affecting battery life:
    • Impact of weather conditions (hot/cold).
    • Effects of prolonged storage.
    • Chemical reactions in batteries degrade over time.
  • Importance of EV battery checkup:
    • Ensure correct capacity and range.
    • Similar to due diligence for gasoline cars:
      • Checking brakes, shocks, and engine.
    • Crucial step before purchasing a used electric vehicle.
Decoding the Drive: How to Detect a Failing EV Battery
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