Decoding Digital Footprints: How to Detect Internet Activity

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So, how do you investigate internet activity for a person? Well, if you have a spouse, family member, or somebody in your household that you're suspicious about their internet activity, there are certain ways that this activity is revealed to the public that you might be able to utilize to get information.

Sometimes, if the person is using either their mobile device or a computer and that internet traffic is going through your router or your modem in your house, many routers and modems have capture protocols that track all that activity. Depending on the make and model of your modem or router, sometimes it's stored in a hard drive or flows through and can be detected.

Digital forensics is a method of retrieving those records and that activity, that internet traffic. Sometimes, it can include things like emails, downloaded files, photos, even documents that were created. If you're concerned about any kind of illegal activity or internet usage that may not be appropriate, you can track it through that modem or router.

Digital forensics is the science and the process of extracting that information from a router or monitoring as it goes through. Depending on the model, it may be something you attach or may be a small drive like this one.

Now, if the internet traffic is not going through your modem, there are other methods that may be capable of doing this. You want to make sure you're not violating any laws like wiretapping or hacking laws. But there are ways to get information about somebody's internet usage, either from their mobile device, tablet, computer, or even other types of devices like televisions or video games that go through the internet.

You might think, "Well, I can't get access to their cell phone." When they're in your house, most of the time, cell phones will actually connect to your internet rather than the cell network—it'll go through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. So many times, people think that their cell phone is protected, but if it's going through your internet, there may be ways that the data is not being secured properly.

If you have more questions about obtaining internet information from somebody's usage, you can click the link below for consultation. We can do digital forensics or whatever is necessary for your particular situation. Thank you for watching. Remember, you can access live one-on-one personal consultations with a licensed private investigator, a licensed commercial insurance broker, a licensed certified real estate title examiner, or even a certified civil court mediator. If you have a need to talk to an expert in any of these fields or even a licensed building general contractor, you can click the link below to arrange a live one-on-one undivided attention with a licensed expert where you can ask any questions and get information about your situation. We'd be glad to help.

Decoding Digital Footprints: How to Detect Internet Activity
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