Cyber Security Teams Are Losing The Battle Against Hackers

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There is trouble brewing in the cyber security industry. Cyber security teams are overwhelmed by the number of attacks that are happening, and we should all be worried.

There is trouble brewing in the cyber security industry the cyber defense industry a couple of good articles Fortunate had one about how to get into the high demand industry but high demand That's an understatement. Why So Because cybersecurity teams are now starting to be overwhelmed. By the amount of attacks that are happening In fact ZD net says we should all be worried. A massive impact on teams, leaving people and businesses more vulnerable. That sounds like an ominous statement. What is going on Well, cyber security. It sounds like a nice tech job an it job you prevent attacks from happening against your company. You prevent hackers from infiltrating your system. You prevent ransomware. Well, that's all well and good. If you can keep up with the threats. In fact for most medium to small companies, the threats are changing faster than you can train your it people. That's why a lot of times. Cyber insurance is a good addition to those layers because your insurance company will help keep you updated. So your it people don't have to find out about attacks on other companies all over the world that insurance companies will know about this because they have to pay the claims. If you are a company that does cyber security with your it department. You may want to look at some outside resources because look. Even the largest companies can't keep up with the changing landscape of cyber security. It's changing fast and the hackers. they have large companies with 5,000 150 people that are constantly doing development on new ways to hack your system This is their full-time job. And they have hundreds of people What chances do you have if you're just a two party or two person It. Department. Or a medium company with maybe 50 employees and three people in it. Maybe your web. developer does a little bit of. Cyber defense. It's no match for. professional international…It hackers that are out there trying to break. Into every system they can. Cyber insurance. Even if the insurance never gets used, the suggestions that the insurer will give you sometimes requirement's might be worth the weight of the. The premium. Either way just be aware of that negative landscape of cyber attacks. Worst case scenario put every. ounce of defense you can into your system updates on the software patches making sure you have a good inventory of all your devices and make sure your it people drop everything else that they're working on at least once a month. And take a look at only cyber defense If they're working on. Coding your new website. maybe they're working on things like e-commerce payment processing. Marketing development. Haven't put that out of their head for a day or two once a month. And just look at cyber defense to make sure you're putting in allocating good resources of not just money but time and attention. Into preventing a disaster from your company being hacked Shut down. All your data being exfiltrated onto the dark web, or even locked up where you have to pay a big ransom to even just use your computers again.

Cyber Security Teams Are Losing The Battle Against Hackers
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