Cyber Security Risks May Result In Denial Of Cyber Insurance Claims

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Today we'll be talking about cyber insurance and how to protect yourself from the threat of cyber liability. If you have cyber liability insurance, make sure you're meeting all of the cyber security requirements, or else your insurer may be able to deny your claim if your company experiences a cyber loss. In this episode, we'll discuss how a cyber insurance company is trying to deny a claim because the company didn't follow its requirements.

This is a big wake up call for companies that have or want to get cyber liability insurance So part of what will be required of you as an insured as a company . Is that if they give you cyber insurance or cyber liability protection insurance , you're going to have to follow certain guidelines of keeping your . system updated using proper procedures They're going to give you some requirements . Of what your company has to do . To keep that coverage . And the very serious about it Here's an example of where a claim was denied or the insurance company is trying to deny the insurance contract . because . the insured didn't follow . Basic practices of protecting their system and they had a loss , they had a claim where they were a subject of a hack . And they lost money and they put in a claim and the insurance company said well , you didn't follow our requirements And one of the requirements was MFA Multi-factor authentication So that's the system as you probably already know when you go to login . To a bank let's say they send you a text message with a code number that you have to put in in order to get in it's multifactor authentication not just a password . You have to also have to put in a code number . And . The company said in their application , we have that we will use it It's enabled in our system , but it turns out that they didn't use . The company the multi-factor authentication So because of that , the insurance company . Is rescinding the policy . Or trying to rescind the policy . Because allegedly . The company . Didn't do what they said they were doing . So what they're asking the court . Is to say undo the policy We would not have issued the policy at all . If we knew that the company was not using multi-factor authentication as it said , So the company said in their application , we're using 2FA or MFA whatever you want to call it . And their cyber application policy signed by the CA CEO and another person . Said that the company used MFA for administrative and privileged access . They sign the application saying that . However following the ransomware event . The insurance company travelers learn during investigation that the company . wasn't using that . On a server . Only use MFA to protect a firewall and did not use it to protect other assets . So this is loophole You might call it Well this is insurance company trying to weasel out of a claim , trying to escape pain claim which maybe that's true . But if you make a representation on an insurance contract you have to bide by the bigger takeaway is If you have a cyber liability policy and the company tells you , here's the things that you need to do to protect yourself go ahead and do them
Who knows how they . been using multifactor authentication ? They might've not had the loss in the first place and they wouldn't have to put in a claim and worry about it getting rejected . So why not use it It's a very simple thing to do . Is it inconvenient to have to type in a password every time Sure It is right . But it would keep you from having the ransomware event in the first place . And it would keep you from having to fight with your insurance company . If you use it , like any other statement , anything you put on your application is presumed to be true And if you put down we're doing this and you don't it's called a misrepresentation omission or consume in a fax . all of which material affect the acceptance of risk . So before the insurance company says we'll take on your , your insurance will take on your risk . They're gonna use do your statements as representations of what their risk is . And this event happened in 2020 This is two years ago almost a year and a half ago . And hackers gained access to the username and password of the administrator . And they were able to log in because there was no multi-factor authentication travelers wants the court to declare the insurance contract . null and void . rescind the policy and declare has no duty . To pay the claim . What are your thoughts on this If you're an insurance company . If you are an insured . If you are . A company that has coverage or not . Tell us what you think about this event happening ? And how would you handle it if you were a company ? Make sure that you . Get good Descriptions of what your requirements are from your insurer . Before you take on any kind of insurance much less cyber liability .

Cyber Security Risks May Result In Denial Of Cyber Insurance Claims
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