Cyber Attack Crisis: Why More Companies Are at Risk Than Ever Before

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  • Recap of our recent discussion on the CDK hack impacting car dealerships.
  • Wall Street Journal’s latest article on industry-wide cyber risks.
Main Discussion
  • Global Hack Insight:
    • The risks of having one or a few software vendors dominate an industry.
    • Impact on various sectors: Insurance, banking, etc.
  • Industry-Specific Examples:
    • Car Dealerships:
      • CDK hack affected 15,000 dealerships, leading to significant operational disruptions.
      • Over 100,000 cars potentially unsold in June due to the hack.
    • Service Repairs:
      • Challenges faced by service departments needing to re-enter handwritten repair orders.
Cybersecurity Considerations
  • Assessing Industry Risks:
    • Importance of evaluating your industry’s vulnerability to cyber attacks.
    • Role of large platform vendors as prime targets for hackers.
  • Cyber Defense Strategy:
    • Consideration of upstream and downstream suppliers.
    • Ensure your cyber insurance covers third-party breaches.
    • Importance of verifying vendors' cyber insurance and active monitoring.
    • Impact on merchant accounts and the necessity of backup plans.
Expert Consultation
  • Access to Professionals:
    • One-on-one consultations available with licensed experts including:
      • Private investigators
      • Commercial insurance brokers
      • Real estate title examiners
      • Civil court mediators
      • Building general contractors
    • How to arrange consultations at
  • Summary of key points on cybersecurity preparedness and the importance of having a robust response plan.
  • Encouragement to seek expert advice for personalized solutions.
For more information and to schedule a consultation, visit

Cyber Attack Crisis: Why More Companies Are at Risk Than Ever Before
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