Customer Service Industry Is Being Replaced By Machines

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Is the customer service industry being phased out? Large retailers across the country are replacing customer service representatives with machines. In this episode, we'll discuss examples of this and how BestBuy is opening new mini-stores with only digital customer service representatives.

…So with customer service gone forever. Here's an example of one of the largest retailers If you think back into the nineties and early 2000 to best buy was what was ubiquitously called one of those big box stores right The. The large retailers that had stores and every big anchored strip mall. And they had TVs all along the back wall and, and stereos and washers and dryers and all kinds of stuff. Their stores were, you know 30 40,000 square feet. And that model of having very helpful and knowledgeable. professionals in the store helping you with product information is kind of a thing in the past. BestBuy has now announced that they're opening many stores They're called digital first stores where…they have customer services on a screen They have a seven foot tall display. We'll tell you how to shop. And they…basically turn over customer service to a digital agent. It's not a person It's not an expert It's somebody who is an agent Now there's pros and cons. It's not going to be a sales person trying to high pressure sell you or have a sales pitch. But on the other hand, it's more difficult to ask specific questions to a machine, right Because you have to be technically knowledgeable, whether this model is going to work or not is unknown Tell us what you think in the comments about this migration to a less direct human customer service. It's happening all over the country in every industry it's even happening in the public sector at the government Government level, you can't get ahold of people at DMV You can't get ahold of people at government agencies. Airlines. it's all digital. Text. even getting somebody on the phone is difficult. So, is this something that's going to continue Is it something that just because there's a labor shortage ? Or is it the way that retailing and customer service will be done in the future ? Let us know what you think in the comments and see in the next video…

Customer Service Industry Is Being Replaced By Machines
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