Cracking the Case: The Best Private Investigator Stories You Need to Hear

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Okay today, going to tell some of our favorite private investigators stories These are some historical cases we've worked on over the past decades. Some of them are gonna be hidden asset stories. are going to be interesting. human activity type stories. some of them are going to be, cases about clients and all these are done either with the.

permission of the client or some of them are going to be a little bit kind of generic vague stories with the details changed. But it gives you an idea of what kind of cases

So here's what happened. The party that we were investigating. Was being accused of hiding assets from a spouse in a divorce case. And the spouse was suspicious. Of the.

person were divorcing. That they said, had so much money in the bank and then we get divorced and there's no money where the money go

At the casino kind of like a frequent flyer account at a casino if you have this kind of account, What happens is you get comps and the comps can be things like free dinner at the hotel at the casino dining room, maybe your free show, maybe they'll even send you on a trip. And we found that this person was on their comp card. we got a history of their comp account of their casino account. And they would go and they would buy

Add it up. The amount of net outflow of casino chips was about 70, odd thousand dollars, $80,000 of net outflow of chips. chips were never played. They're never cashed out there. comp account didn't show it.

So we were thinking maybe that's where the, the money is hidden and casino chips If that was the case it was going to be a problem because there's no record of casino chips where they are. So. Part of our case, was awful also doing surveillance

So. We got information. Oh, that's the other thing. On the ATM. Debit card.

There was a purchase of this briefcase from a local. department store. And this happened about the time that the casino chip things started to take place maybe a month afterwards. So we were able to get from the boat. The chip for the GPS navigation for this boat

Camera, means that it's outside of the, the…

The view of this party, you know, client went to the court with their attorney only and said we have this evidence. We want you to authorize us to remove. The. The briefcase to see what's there. And the court allowed it.

So using you know certified commercial divers and some you know, protocols

And the divorce normally have to split the proceeds half would go to the defendant, would go to the plaintiff. Well, this case, judge was so incensed by this case that. She the judge. Said that all of this ill gotten gains have to go to the plaintiff, is our client. And they have to pay all the fees for the investigation, for the scuba divers, commercial, the other fees that were associated with they have to pay

But the money cause the bank the victims the government everybody wanted to take money from this person He was relatively wealthy person. And he said have no money i'm outta money but it didn't make sense because you could see from the expenditures that the money had not been spent we're talking millions of dollars. That was defrauded from these banks. So. They filed bankruptcy The bankruptcy trustee also was suspicious They said, This there has to be money somewhere So as part of our investigation, You know, did research of the records observation

Cracking the Case: The Best Private Investigator Stories You Need to Hear
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