Covering the Fire: Examining the Need for Gun Insurance with Pistol Permits

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Some states are now requiring liability insurance for owning a firearm, just like for owning a vehicle or, you know, other types of activities. These states, and sometimes counties and cities within states, are implementing mandates that require individuals to purchase gun insurance to obtain a firearms permit or a concealed carry permit. Whether or not these mandates hold up in court or are legally defeated is a different story, but some of these laws are starting to go into effect now that the beginning of the year has passed. Some of these laws take effect at the beginning of the year, so it's essential to check with your county or state. Even if you don't require it by law, it may be a good idea to have liability insurance. This ensures that if you're involved in an incident or accident with a firearm, you have additional coverage.

Many homeowners' policies have exclusions for events related to firearms, so it's crucial to ensure you have the coverage you need, even if it's not required. Firearms coverage liability policies typically exist in a separate market; they are not part of standard homeowner or auto policies or even business owner's policies. Gun coverage usually comes as an endorsement of an existing policy or as a separate policy. Therefore, it's advisable to consult with your broker, authorized insurance agent, or someone knowledgeable about insurance to understand the available coverages. They can advise you on whether it can be added to your existing policy or if you need to purchase a new one.

Covering the Fire: Examining the Need for Gun Insurance with Pistol Permits
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