Court-Ordered Titles: How To Get A Title For Your Car Without The Old Title

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Have a car with no title? When applying for a car title, it's nearly impossible to get one in your name without the proper paperwork. In this episode, we'll explain the court-ordered title process and how it's the one foolproof way to get a title for a car without the old title.

…So what are the realities of getting a vehicle title when you don't have the old title We've talked many times before about how to get a car title When you don't have the proper documents. There are many ways to do it. First don't let anybody talk you into the fact that you have to pay somebody to do this. Any method of getting a title. That's possible You can do yourself for free Now. It doesn't mean you shouldn't pay somebody to assist you or for convenience, but don't let anybody tell you. that you have to pay because only they can do it. You can't do it yourself. All of the methods for getting a title. Our open source they're public. You can do it on your own. In fact, all the instructions for all these methods are online. Our website has many websites have the instructions how to do it. There's YouTube videos That'll walk you through it. So you don't have to pay anybody Now, if you want to pay somebody like you'd pay anybody to do a service for you. But here's the thing make sure that you know the method that's best for you. A lot of times people will try to use some loophole or abandoned vehicle or mechanics lane when those will come back to bite you and they don't always work. There's only one method for a title that always works And that's a court ordered title…That's where you go right over the head of the DMV or the bureau or whatever it is in your state that issues titles. They have somebody that is the boss of them. And if you were getting the run-around. the DMV or from the Penn dot or whatever it is in your state. Then. Oh go over their head Bypass them. Go right to the court system. A lot of people are afraid to do a court order title or a deal with the court because they think it's a lot of headache. Well think about it How much worse could it be than dealing with the DMV? How long have you been dealing with the DMV dragging you around going back and forth giving you the run around…The worst than that In fact, the core is more efficient because they do these all the time. DMV does not deal with problems on a regular basis They normally deal with somebody who walks in with the right paperwork everything's completed Everything's correct. And they handle it. When it's a problem. For the DMV that's. An, an outlier. That's not something they're used to dealing with. It's not even something they want to deal with. On the other hand a court. Is a. An agency that deals with problems all the time In fact everything that comes to the court as a problem So they know how to. with this. And they can tell the DMV what to do the courts order. Forces the DMV to do exactly what it says on that paper So if you want a court order to tell the DMV. To…give you a title. That's what they have to do to clear lean off your title That's what they have to do. So don't be afraid to use that process. There's other processes that are also very good, a bonded title. There's eight states that don't do it So make sure you're in a bonded state. But it's a great. Way to get a title. Right. you can also try to contact the prior owner That's a good way but sometimes that takes too long. Don't try to get fancy with things like mechanics lien abandoned vehicle. Loopholes because they don't always work 30 40% of the time Those titles don't even work They get rejected. You're not going to find out until you try. You might be out a lot of money a lot of time, just to find out that what you're trying to do isn't going to work. You go to court and do a court order title, whatever that court signs off on your, on your paperwork. The DMV has to do it. They can't reject it. So check out the link below for court ordered title, check out our website car for more. factors and options of getting a title and let us know what your success is and getting a title in.

Court-Ordered Titles: How To Get A Title For Your Car Without The Old Title
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