Companies: Start Setting Aside Hidden Tax Money

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Small to medium-sized companies should allocate 2-3% of their revenue to these mandates. This is not a criticism of government policies but rather a necessary step in running a business. We'll explain why it's important for companies to set aside funds from their revenue to cover expenses that will be required by the government.

We'll be exploring three examples of such expenses that companies should plan for, including payment processing, employee retirement accounts, and addressing social issues in certain cities that may impact businesses.

Tune in to learn why it's a practical suggestion for companies to begin setting aside funds for new and additional government mandates and how it can benefit them in the long run. Whether you're a small, medium, or large company, this episode will provide you with valuable insights on how to plan and allocate funds for government-mandated expenses.

Companies: Start Setting Aside Hidden Tax Money
Companies: Start Setting Aside Hidden Tax Money
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