Clearing the Phantom Lien: How to Erase a Ghostly Claim from Your Property Deed, Mortgage, or HELOC

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Episode Show Notes / Description:
  • What Are Zombie Mortgages?
    Zombie mortgages are loans presumed long dormant but have resurfaced. This can apply to mortgages, car loans, judgment debts, and other types of liens or debts.
  • How Do Zombie Debts Work?
    • These debts may have been written off, charged off, or considered non-collectible by the original lender.
    • Examples include dismissed foreclosures, canceled repossessions, or lawsuits that stopped collecting.
    • Despite being written off or charged off, these debts can resurface, affecting your credit or leading to collections, foreclosures, or liens.
  • Understanding Charge-Offs and Write-Offs:
    • A charge-off or write-off doesn’t eliminate the debt but removes it from the lender’s balance sheet.
    • These debts may have been sold to collection agencies for pennies on the dollar, who then attempt to collect not just the original amount but also accrued interest and fees.
  • Steps to Take:
    • Lean Release Request:
      • To clear these debts, you can request a lien release from the original creditor.
      • Ensure you get everything in writing, especially from the lien holder, registered agent, or magistrate.
    • Documentation and Legal Precautions:
      • Send a well-prepared package of documents to the original creditor.
      • Avoid contacting them via phone, email, or social media—always use formal, documented communication.
      • Consider using a mail forwarding service to protect your personal information.
  • Why This Matters:
    • Clearing these zombie debts is crucial to avoid ongoing financial liabilities.
    • Failing to address them could lead to renewed judgments, liens on property, or slander of title claims.
  • Additional Resources:
    • For more detailed guidance, visit
    • Explore other videos on our channel for further insights into managing and resolving zombie debts.
  • Legal Disclaimer:
    • We are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice. We are certified civil court mediators and licensed private investigators. Always consult with a legal professional before taking any action.
  • Call to Action:
    • If you found this episode helpful, explore other content on our channel for more valuable information on protecting your financial health.
Clearing the Phantom Lien: How to Erase a Ghostly Claim from Your Property Deed, Mortgage, or HELOC
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