Catalytic Converter Theft Is Causing Deaths

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…This whole catalytic converter thing is really starting to be more than just a financial problem. There's actually people getting killed behind this There's an article where people are getting crushed. Trying to steal Cadillac converters We've seen other cases where people are getting shot. Trying to defend their vehicle or defending their vehicle from catalytic converter thieves. Why is this such a problem? Well, A catalytic converter.

Is a piece of inventory that's worth a couple hundred dollars. Sure. by taking it off So if you left. two $100 crisp bills on your dashboard. Somebody is going to smash that dashboard to take the money.

Thieves recognize the fact that you have $200 sitting underneath your car. So they're going to try to get it just like they would smash your dash windshield to take 200 off of your dashboard. You don't recognize that that. money's underneath there. But the thieves know it.

So they're going to do everything they can to try to steal that And what they do is they Jack up the car with a. cheap little floor Jack, something they can. Get out of their car very quickly, but a lot of times these Jack won't hold up the car or if they're sawing the catalytic converter it tips the car over and falls out and they're getting killed. Sometimes people. We'll hear the saw cutting off their catalytic converter.

They go outside to try to stop that crime and they either shoot the thief for the shoot. The thief shoots them. So this catalytic converter theft. Is now more than just a financial crime it's becoming life or death. For the thieves.

for the victims. And even if there's no injury or damage.

to a person. Right then. It could create a bigger problem because now your cars off the road, we've had incidents where people have don't have the money to replace their catalytic converter. Or the deductible for their insurance. And they ended up riding their bike and getting hit by a car because they're not used to bike riding every single day.

This is more than just a financial crime and there's ways you can prevent it. But in the meantime until the laws pass or people are more protective of their…expensive automotive accessories, this is going to continue to increase. until there's enough. Critical mass or momentum to make the problem stop.

Catalytic Converter Theft Is Causing Deaths
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