Car Buyers & Sellers Beware: "Buy Your Car" Companies Are Backing Out of Deals

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"Buy Your Car" companies backing out of offers? Recently we've heard from our customers that "buy your car" companies like Carvana and Vroom are backing out of car purchases for arbitrary reasons or without any reasoning at all. What gives? Why are these companies who say they're in the business of buying cars backing out of offers?

In both our vehicle title division in our investigative division we're getting a lot more inquiries about rescinded or reneged offers from online vehicle purchase companies , companies like CarMax Carvana Vroom Shift and many others offer to buy your car . From you even if you don't buy a car from them they have platforms where you can put in your vehicle information . You get an offer you take photos of your car you upload them and they'll send a truck to come pick up your vehicle and give you payment for your car Whether you buy a car from them or not . Over the last 30 to 45 days . We've seen a spike . In the number of consumers . Whoever reported to us that they received an offer . That they uploaded their documents . In . that they were ghosted . The company never followed up . And we've received anecdotal reports for all of these companies . and Not picking on any one of them . Because who knows if the reports from consumers are correct . But just because of the huge spike in these reports . In the last month and a half . It seems like there's something going on behind the scenes . Used to be that maybe we heard this once or twice a month . in the last year year and a half . Now we're hearing it three four times a day . From consumers who are saying . I put in my information I put in my VIN number . I sent pictures of my title my driver's license . The company gave me an offer They sent me an email within the specific offer . I accepted the offer . And then
I never heard from again . And I followed up and they didn't reply . Sometimes we've had . Reports of clients that they actually picked up the car . And they never sent the check . So are these online platform forms reneging on offers rescinding offers because of the car market . Dropping so quickly
And our dealer side we're seeing book values dropping like a stone from not even week to week from day to day . Auction results have vehicle values plummeting . There's an article that came out yesterday about the huge increase in the number of repossessions which is going to put a lot more cars in the marketplace at auctions . So first . Let us know in the comments If you have had this experience where you try to sell a car if you one of these online platforms , And they never follow through or breach their agreement . We had a client we talked to earlier today where they had a late model Toyota , it was an SUV . And everything was good And this was an onsite location This happened to be a place where they don't pick up your car You could bring them to your car . And they brought him their car with their title , clean title no liens or anything And they claimed that they found an old title record . That said that there was a lien on the car from five years ago . Well that's not how titles work . A new title . Rescinds all prior titles it supersedes all previous titles . And we did some research on that lien that leans long been paid . It was an excuse not to buy the vehicle . In fact . The same . Platform same car company I bought another car the same day . With the same type of records . So . let us know in the comment if you're seeing this we're trying to get a handle on how frequent this is happening how often this is happening . And is there any backlash from this for these car companies ? Are they trying to cut back their inventory ? Are they trying to lower their cost basis for these vehicles ? Look if you have a , an offer for a vehicle that is let's say $5,800 , and then the new book value comes out and it's only $5,000 . You don't want to take an $800 loss from day one . So many times they're just trying to back out of the deal . Because most of these offers have , you know seven to 10 or 15 day . Grace period where that's how long you have to decide to sell them the car Well if the book drops during that period , A lot of the car companies are saying well we don't want the car anymore and they're making up an excuse or they just flat out ghost you . We've had clients that have been emailing . day . Buy my car buy my car Here's my offer Here's my paperwork . And they get emails from the car company saying your offer is going to expire . And they say I don't want it to expire I want to sell it to you . And they just keep ignoring those offers . And this is all the platforms . So let us know if you're seeing this We're just trying to get an understanding of the volume . Of this happening and many of our car title . Clients need titles for these purchases and halfway through the process they let us know look I don't even need the title anymore because they are not following through on their purchase offer
There's been some problems with some of these platforms , namely Carvana where their star their stock prices dropped and they have some regulatory questions . But there may be more behind the scenes than meets the eye Maybe these car companies are not able to make a profit . Was selling used cars even buying them at . Normal price because their cost basis is too high . A traditional dealership . That's been around for 15 20 years . Look love them or hate them And if their sales tactics are not palatable at least they know how to run a business because they've been doing it for a long time . These tech companies . In many cases try to lose money to gain market share and then eventually raise prices Well that's very difficult to do . In the automotive business , because you don't really gain market share because people . Don't buy cars . On a regular basis they might buy a car every three or four years So if you lose money to gain market share . Three four years from now that customer might be somewhere else . And if you're just losing shareholders money . It's not really going to gain anything . To build up your company . This may be what's going on It's just speculation at this point . but we're , we're suspecting that that's part of it If you're an employee of one of these companies , are you seeing this Are you being directed ? Two . Not follow through on purchase offers If the price has been reevaluated . Are you having title problems internally
If you're a government agency DMV or licensing division , have you received any complaints about these types of operations
This rescinding or reneging or backing out of deals . It's a huge spike It's not just a small amount like I said from two or three a month to three or four a day . I think last week our sales department reported We had five people in one day . Report that . car companies backed out of their offer to purchase a vehicle . Let us know what you think . See you in the next video .

Car Buyers & Sellers Beware: "Buy Your Car" Companies Are Backing Out of Deals
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