Can You Title & Register Surplus Military Vehicles For Highway Use?

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So what's going on with military vehicles that are sold at surplus auctions like gov planet Well a lot of states over the last year have taken action against these vehicles being on the road And here's an article. From Colorado where, the Colorado department of revenue their version of the DMV sent a letter canceling the vehicle title and tell him he can no longer drive it on the highway. And many other letters were sent to Hummer owners. Issuing them OHV surplus military vehicles off highway vehicle. And the. for this is over the last 18 months the federal government. Has sent out bulletins to department of motor vehicles offices nationwide all 50 states. Advising them that these military vehicles do not meet the DLT. NDPA standards of highway vehicles So some of them are technically not road legal. So many states initially said well it doesn't matter what you say We, you know we allow these vehicles on the road. But the federal government has taken the action to where. they are withholding some highway funds and some. Sir some money that the states get from the federal government unless they stop titling these vehicles And. They even revoke. Prior vehicle titles and what's happening is the legislation in the states is taking military vehicles and making them defined as off highway vehicles just like ATV snowmobiles. Can not be licensed for highway use. And some of these vehicles. Can have an exemption…As a historical purpose maintained for military configuration meaning you use them for parades or for museums, but not for regular everyday use and in Colorado. The DMV stated that these vehicles. Had only had titles to off highway vehicles. Vehicle owners will receive new OHV titles over the next week. Right. So. these are vehicles that are now only for off highway use the way the law reads is it's a surplus vehicle because it's clearly not built built for road use. And…Many of these vehicles going back. The world war two. we'll have their titles transitioned into only off highway use in the next phase So it's not just Humvees, it's other vehicles. Some states have actually revoked title Some states are just not registering new. So if you have a. Surplus vehicle from…gov planet or somewhere else. Be aware. That you may run into difficulties Now we're in the future of putting them on the road Even if you somehow do jump through a bunch of hoops and get a registration and. Title for the vehicle It may be revoked. We're reading about stories in the state of Maine, where they're pulling back titles for a lot of these vehicles in Florida, we had a client that. have…four or five of these vehicles. That they've purchased from Gulf planet in the last 12 months. And the state of Florida DMV has rejected all of their applications for road use So be aware that the the. Kind of historical use of these vehicles You see them on the road is not a precedent to rely upon because. Some of the vehicles that are already on the road are going to get pulled off So don't use the fact that you see these vehicles on the road as the be all end all determining factor If you can put one on the road if you buy it from Gulf plan to check with your DMV. And don't take their word for verbally Make sure you get it in writing what the status of these vehicles are. We suspect that it's not going to be allowed and even if it is. Many states are finding that even if they do want to put them on the road the federal government is going to put pressure on them to pull them off the road in the coming years.

Can You Title & Register Surplus Military Vehicles For Highway Use?
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