Can You Charge An EV In 1 Minute?

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Now if *this* happens, electric vehicles might finally take off. We’ve seen many of these hyped-up claims of fast charging, some have panned out and some haven’t, but this one seems promising. And if it turns out to be true, forget about resistance to the adoption of EVs, this solves the problem.

Now this happens electric vehicles might take off There's a company. In Europe. Who is claiming to have a new EV battery that can recharge in about a minute. Now there we've seen a lot of these hyped up claims of fast charging for new types of batteries And some of them panned out Some of them haven't something we're still in the works. But if this one turns out to be true, then Katie bar the door then forget about any resistance to electric vehicles The biggest reason that many peak. are not wanting to buy an electric vehicle is they don't want to sit at some unknown remote out of the way charging station for two or three hours. While they're waiting for their car to charge. Because it adds at least inconvenience if not personal safety risks…And that's a deal breaker for many people. So if this Swiss company can really produce these EV batteries and at a reasonable amount where you can actually put them in a car and still sell the car on a. fair price. Then electric vehicles. Have a shot at having much wider adoption. By consumers in an easier sale by manufacturers, more importantly, it'll help Electric vehicles become more. Easy to own in, urban areas and even. Rural areas because here's the problem. The suburbs are easy because you can charge at home overnight. In the city If you live in an apartment or park on the street, you can't charge. If you live in a rural area even if you can charge at night, you may not have a charging station. In between you and the city that you go to. This could bridge the gap for both of those uses and those use cases for electric vehicles whether it's a new or used EV.

Can You Charge An EV In 1 Minute?
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