Breaking Down the Real Numbers Behind Lumber Price Increases

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  • How Much Have Building Costs Gone Up?
    • A real-world example from a dream house build and the cost increase.
    • An Instagram model's experience with building their $3 million house, with some hard numbers on the price hikes.
  • Timeline of the Build
    • Purchased a Lakefront lot for $260,000 in 2020 to build a $3 million castle.
    • Four years later, the house is still unfinished, raising questions about the project’s timeline.
  • Unexpected Costs and Delays
    • Extra $100,000 loan due to supply chain issues and material shortages.
    • Initial lumber budget of $105,000 rose to $177,000 – a 60-70% increase.
    • Appliances went from $65,000 to $78,000, which is relatively moderate compared to others in the industry.
  • Other Material Costs
    • Stone for architectural features increased from $27,500 to almost $40,000 due to delays and supply issues from Oklahoma quarries.
  • Analyzing the Cost Breakdown
    • Despite the higher costs for materials, it doesn't seem to add up to a $3 million price tag for the house.
    • The lumber budget alone doesn’t explain the increase in the final cost.
  • Lumber Prices and Stabilization
    • Lumber prices have stabilized at around $600-620 per thousand board feet, double the cost of a few years ago.
    • The market is expected to stabilize with prices ranging between $550 and $750.
  • Builder's Dilemma: Spec Homes vs. Custom Builds
    • Builders are hesitant to risk building speculative homes due to fluctuating markets and uncertain returns.
    • Self-build projects and custom commissions are less risky but come with their own challenges.
  • Lessons from a Historical Case
    • Flashback to a 1980s "This Old House" project where builders lost money on a rehab, showing that building and flipping homes isn't always profitable.
  • Managing Construction Costs and Time
    • Be mindful of your budget and market when building, whether it's for a custom project or spec home.
    • Timely completion is key to managing costs – the longer a project takes, the higher the carrying costs.
  • The Impact of Delays and Fixed Costs
    • Delays increase fixed costs like insurance, overhead, and executive pay, which should be considered in the overall construction budget.
  • Construction Cost Rule of Thumb
    • Materials and labor costs have risen by approximately 70% over the past few years.
    • Always account for increases in your construction quotes to avoid being caught with a budget that's too low to complete the project.
This episode breaks down the real impact of rising construction costs and how they affect both residential and speculative homebuilding projects. 
Breaking Down the Real Numbers Behind Lumber Price Increases
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