Boost Your Website's Search Engine Rank With Blogging

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Your website's search engine ranking is an important part of your online presence. The higher it is, the more likely people will find it when they're looking for your products or services. In this episode, we'll discuss how blogging can help you improve your website's search engine rank by boosting your overall SEO. We'll also cover how to set up your own blog content machine so that you can create consistent content that keeps people coming back for more!

…So if you have any kind of a retail business or even business to business type enterprise, you've been trying for a long time. To get Google search ranking results. That's where most people find products and services are looking for. Here's what Google looks like You've all seen it You type in a web search and results Pop up. So as an example, if you typed in…Best deal on a hot tub. Here's what the results look like. Usually the first few are paid ads When you see this word ad right here. That means those come. paid for it. But a lot of people skip over the paid ads and go right to. The. Organic results is what they're called. And this first ranking right here, this rank will get a lot of free traffic for that business. The second one we'll get a good amount of traffic as well. Once you get down three or later, you're going to find that the traffic will drop off dramatically. If you're not on the first page. You're not going to get any traffic from Google search Matter of fact once you get to the bottom of the first page, it's almost non-existent. So what you want to do is you want to be right here. One two or. in the results And how do you do that Obviously everybody wants to do it. There's probably a thousand companies that sell hot tubs Only three are going to be there. How do you get. At that. Level well…One of the most. Common. Methods of doing it is blog posting. The other reason why this is very common is because it's the only one you really have control over…The website rankings for a page. That have to do with how your site is developed is very subjective. It's kind of like a black box Google Doesn't tell you. How they rank pages, but if you have a lot of blog posts, your blog posts can show up In fact, if you look at number three, right, hot blog. Right…This one is also a blog. In fact, how best deal in the hot tub, the name of this blog the page, how much has the hot tub cost ? That is…Why that page showed up because it had to do with the question. This is a blog post. How much has the hot tub gloves ? Right. So, bye. posting blogs on a regular basis. For certain keywords and phrases you can get your company to rank for those keywords and phrases. The problem for many companies is that takes time. You can't just post one or two blogs a month. It's not going to be enough, even if you did two a month that's 20 in a year. It's not going to be enough to get you. For that much traffic. So how do you do it ? Well, The kind of volume you need is that minimal 20 or 30 a month blog posts. In fact, If you're 50 or 60 or up to a hundred a month That's even better. Now you're going to have a thousand of blog posts a year. You don't need that many to move the needle on traffic If you post a thousand and maybe even 20 or 30 of them I…end up ranking high. Now you have some free traffic that'll drive business and revenue. The problem is you won't know which 20 or 30…Rank high until you post a thousand. The problem is. Where are you going to come up with all that time ? To sit there and write. Content. 20 30, 40, 50 times a month That's two or three times a day. Somebody's got to sit down and write blogs for hours at a time. Well now there's another way to do it. You can check out our website. Blog We have a service where. You can have us create that blog content. It's called content marketing…You don't even need to come up with the phrases You can tell us if you want what phrases you'd like to use for the blog post. But we will analyze your business your competitors. The, industry that you're in. What has the highest ranking for keywords and we will create the phrases and texts and content for these blogs and post them automatically. each blog. post a blog post we'll put. Rotating images We'll put calls to action. We'll put all the things you need to have it. Transfer that traffic to your website. And there'll be posted right on your normal website in a blog section. So if your company is looking to generate more Google. Authority. Through blogging. And you don't want to bog down your internal staff. Here's now an option to do it. If you have any questions reach us through our website. Blog

Boost Your Website's Search Engine Rank With Blogging
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