Boost Your Traffic: Effective Strategies for Driving Website Visits and Showroom Foot Traffic

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If you are any kind of business or commercial enterprise, you know that the lifeblood of your business is traffic. I mean either showroom traffic, traffic to your business location, or, more importantly, website traffic. You have to get people in your door. Now, then you can work on closing ratios and sales conversions; that's fine. But until you have that traffic, even if you have a 100% closing ratio but you have no people coming through your door, 100% of zero is still zero. You have to have traffic, and obviously, if you increase traffic, you don't have to increase your closing ratio; you just get more sales. But that's the most elusive thing: traffic. There are some very clear pathways to getting more traffic. It's a layered approach.

People talk about SEO, and even this article says SEO success. SEO is like playing the lottery. There are millions of companies that want to be ranked on Google. Everybody wants to be; there are only going to be three that have any kind of traction. If you're not ranked one, two, or three, or maybe four, you might as well not be ranked because you're not going to get any kind of traffic. If you're five or below, any kind of measurable traffic that's going to help you, what are the odds you're going to be one through four? Almost zero. No matter how much work you do on SEO, it's going to be impossible to get there because there are millions of other businesses wanting to be there for those keywords. So, yeah, you have to put some effort into SEO.

The three key pathways of getting traffic are:

Content Volume Production: What does that mean? You can't just do one blog post a week, one article a month, or even two videos a week. You have to saturate your market area with content—hundreds and hundreds of videos, hundreds of blog posts, hundreds of social media posts. Having some posts five or six times a week is not going to be enough. You have to have hundreds, if not thousands, of traffic generators because the days of getting 50,000 or 60,000 views on every single post are gone. You need to only count on maybe 400 or 500 visits, views, likes, but you can make that work if you have a large volume of traffic. So you have to have that traffic machine in place; that's number one.

Paid Search: Whether it's Google, Facebook, or Instagram, you have to do some paid search. The problem is that it has to have a very clear ROI. If you're doing paid search marketing or paid placement, you have to be able to trace that payment back to see if it's worthwhile. Even if you spend $100 on an ad and it makes you only $40 or $50, it's a losing proposition. You might as well not do it. In fact, the return has to be at least a five or six times return. So if you do paid search or paid advertising that costs you $100, you have to get $500 or $600 in sales just to break even. Well, you might say, “Well, if I sell $100 worth of stuff, didn't I break even?” No, you didn't because when you sell something for $100, how much do you end up retaining at the end of the month, end of the year? Most businesses operate on a 20% profit margin. That means if you sell a million dollars in a month, your net profit is $200,000 after you pay all your payroll, materials, advertising, and rent.

Offline Marketing Opportunities: Things like postcards, direct mail, billboards, and display outdoor electronic ads such as radio and TV. You might think that's old school; well, it is. But here's the thing: The fact that everybody is paying for Google means that some of those are cheap now. For example, if you did a Google ad campaign and you spent $200 a day, that's $6,000 a month. How many visitors are you going to get from that? Some clicks cost $2 a click; some clicks cost $3 a click. So if you spend $200 a day, that means you get 100 clicks to your business. Okay, 100 clicks, maybe that's 3,000 a month. What if you did a billboard in your local market area that cost you half of that, maybe $3,000 a month? That billboard is seen by 45,000 people a day. How many of those will come to your business? Even if 10% visit your website or business, that's the same number of people for half the price. What about direct mail? If you can target a certain demographic, you can do a very nice postcard for 35 to 50 cents per postcard, all in—mailed, printed, mailing list, everything. Well, now for that same $6,000, you get that in the hands of 3,000 people. If you can send it to people who you know are customers, if you're B2B, you know who they are, that could have the same effect. The other thing is it's durable, meaning that it's something in their hands. It can sit on their desk; they can pass it along to a colleague. More than one person in the office might see it.

You have to layer these in. Again, you have to track your ROI. But a successful marketing business development campaign for any business cannot stop at SEO. SEO is one component, but because everybody is flocking there, it's a red ocean strategy. Everybody's there; everybody's trying to capture the same audience. Be a little counterproductive, counterintuitive, and look at other opportunities in addition to SEO. Still want to work on your SEO, but you can't just throw a Hail Mary pass and hope that you become number one or two ranked for your keywords. Probably not going to happen. The other areas will be places where your competitors won't be thinking about. It's a little work, a little effort, but in the long run, the businesses that are successful encompass all these factors.

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Boost Your Traffic: Effective Strategies for Driving Website Visits and Showroom Foot Traffic
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